Some people out there are real motherfuckers. Seriously.
I'm sure you guys know about that poor girl from NYP by now. The poor girl got her handphone stolen and then had its contents mass-emailed throughout the entire school, which then quickly led to almost everyone else in singapore receiving it too. Ala Paris Hilton.
Unfortunately for her, there was a very long and explicit sex video stored inside the handphone. Ala Paris Hilton.
So the poor girl now finds herself an unwilling porn star to whom I'm sure many assholes have gotten pleasure out of. Ala Paris Hilton. (actually not really. Paris is such a publicity whore that she probably planned the leak herself. Difference is, this poor girl didn't)
Suddenly, it became the talk of the town. Practically every single male had watched it at least once. I personally watched it twice - not because I was turned on and wanted to get my rocks off, but because I was shocked. Shocked that the cheebye who stole the phone would actually circulate it and shocked that the girl in question was stupid enough to actually allow him to film it. (yes, she does know about the video. She looks directly at the camera more than once.)
It wasn't long before people were trying to find out exactly who this poor girl was, posting her name, email address, school, faculty, cca, hp number, msn contact, bra size, family size and no. of pets online. They even went to the extent of digging up old photos of her - fully clothed of course.
seriously, why the fuck do you need to do that for? what did the poor girl ever do to you guys? Did she have plastic surgery, become a celebrity of sorts and then deny having any work at all? All she did was to stupidly agree to having sex on video and before you know, she's butt naked for the world to see and comment on. And the irony of it? Her school is now even thinking of expelling her.
What the fuck???!!
I remember in RJ (yes, i know i don't seem like the smart type. i've heard it many times before. Once tonight as a matter of fact. This other ah beng choked on the smoke of his fag when i told him i was from RJ), the principal once called me into his office and he said, "We don't care what you do outside of school as long as it isn't illegal." Even the top JC in singapore doesn't care about my out of school activities (which WERE legal btw) - why the fuck is this poly now considering expelling her? On what grounds may I ask? For being stupid enough to take part in a filmed sexual experience? (Some people make a damn good living that way. Just ask Paris or Abi Tittmuss.) For being shamed, now that men walk by her in the streets and mentally undress her? (Not that they wouldn't before. Men are bastards that way - only this time, they really have seen her naked.) How is this poor girl going to live the rest of her life? She'll always be remembered as 'that girl giving a blowjob in that home video'. (Just ask Annabelle Chong. I don't think people care about the fact that she once got an A in econs during her 'A' levels. They remember that she was the star in the world's greatest orgy, getting banged more times than a bumper car at a funfair.)
One fucker even went as far as to post on the hardwarezone forum - "Last time when I saw her in school, I thought she was really cute. Wanted to ask her for her number. Luckily I didn't. Now if I ever see her in school, I'm going to ask her how much she charges for a night." Seriously dude, you're a grade A cheebyekia. Fact check - she didn't do anything other than engage in consensual sex with her boyfriend. Only difference between her and your mother/sister is that you got to see it. (Actually I'm not too sure about this one. I might be wrong here. You might be the kind of cheebyekia who actually enjoys peeping at your mother/sister doing it.) Trust me buddy - if your mother/sister one day becomes a 'star' like the NYP girl, I promise you I'll ask her the exact same question you wanted to ask.
Simply because you deserve it.
I feel super bad for her. I'm no saint - far from it in fact. I'll be the first to hold my hand up and say that I'm like the furthest thing you can think of when you're thinking of role models. You name every vice and I've probably done it. Seriously. I DO watch porn. But I was still stunned to see that video and the general reaction to that video. Its bad enough that you bastards wanked off to it. Its even worse if you had a crush on her previously and now enjoy the free show more than most. But if you actually enjoyed it and dug out her old photos and posted her details online for the whole world to see, you're a motherfucking sonofabitch. You deserve every little bit of abuse you get. What did that girl ever do to you? 人家也是妈生的。
This reminds me of another incident. Not too long ago, I was at Orchard picking up Jan's Vday present. Standing in front of me in the taxi queue (I'm super atas. I don't take the bus.), were these 2 good looking guys. I assume they're models. Anyway, model A was talking loudly about how his ex girlfriend was in this month's FHM and what a great lay she was. He went into great detail I might add. Normally, I wouldn't have bothered listening to begin with cause I'm anti social that way. But this time around, I was halfway through unravelling my iPod earphones which had managed to roll itself into a ball when I heard model A mention his girlfriend's name.
It was my ex girlfriend's name too.
So I listened and burned internally. I got home, I bought the FHM hoping that she wasn't in it.
She was.
Its disgusting when you hear someone you know to being described that way by a total stranger. Its even more disgusting when you actually are friends with that person. (I'm still on pretty good terms with most of my ex-es, there being only one exception to the rule.) Unfortunately, I'm still good friends with this particular ex so it rankles. So you fucked an FHM babe. Big. Fucking. Deal. FYI, you're not the only one. Only difference is, I'm too much of a gentleman to go around kissing and telling about something that should remain private.
Coupled with the FHM was the FHM top 100 girl next door supplement. A quick look through reveals that I have 5 models from my company taking part. 3 personal friends. 1 ex girlfriend. Which now brings to mind the next puzzling question. Why would any girl want to join something like this? To prove that she's hot? To see many guys out there would want to fantasize about her? For the attention from the general public?
Trust me - that poor girl from NYP is probably praying that none of this had ever happened and that she wasn't in the public eye for something like this, wishing it would probably all just go away like a really fucking bad dream. Something like this just pisses me off so bloody bad. If you were one of those who took part in the digging up of her past, you're a real fucker and should be ashamed of yourself.