I'm super gwai
Ladies and gentlemen,
drumroll please.
I had a sleepless night once again, but instead of wasting it online doing fuck all, I did my tutorial. The first tutorial I've done in almost 3 full years in NUS.
It was for real estate finance, which means i now have 8 full pages of mathematical calculations, thanks to irritating formulas such as PVA=ANN[((1-(1/(1+i)to the power of n)/i) x FVA(1-i(to the power of n)). its not the formula which is hard, per se, but WHEN to use the right formula.
I probably got most of it wrong, but i'm fucking proud can? I'm going to class later and sit like right in front, just to show off the fact that i did every single question.
come to think of it, this is the first piece of maths related homework that i've done since sec 4. in jc, i just copied off jan or kim.
i can't stop beaming. i would feel like the model student of the year if it wasn't for the 2 emails i received from 2 different tutors asking how come i skipped all their tutorials thus far this sem. oops.
fuck all of that. I DID MY TUTORIAL. beat that, bitches.
actually, there's another reason why i'm beaming today - NEWCASTLE HAS FINALLY SACKED SOUNESS. finally. apparantly the 3-0 defeat to Man city was the final scraw. So what if I lost a hundred bucks on that match? looking back, i now realise that was the best $100 i've ever spent in my life. This will almost certainly mark the end of the 2nd darkest era in recent NUFC history (with the worst being that period under Gullit. Really, back then, i couldn't even smile)
Goodbye you Scottish motherfucker. Good luck finding another job - if you can.
drumroll please.
I had a sleepless night once again, but instead of wasting it online doing fuck all, I did my tutorial. The first tutorial I've done in almost 3 full years in NUS.
It was for real estate finance, which means i now have 8 full pages of mathematical calculations, thanks to irritating formulas such as PVA=ANN[((1-(1/(1+i)to the power of n)/i) x FVA(1-i(to the power of n)). its not the formula which is hard, per se, but WHEN to use the right formula.
I probably got most of it wrong, but i'm fucking proud can? I'm going to class later and sit like right in front, just to show off the fact that i did every single question.
come to think of it, this is the first piece of maths related homework that i've done since sec 4. in jc, i just copied off jan or kim.
i can't stop beaming. i would feel like the model student of the year if it wasn't for the 2 emails i received from 2 different tutors asking how come i skipped all their tutorials thus far this sem. oops.
fuck all of that. I DID MY TUTORIAL. beat that, bitches.
actually, there's another reason why i'm beaming today - NEWCASTLE HAS FINALLY SACKED SOUNESS. finally. apparantly the 3-0 defeat to Man city was the final scraw. So what if I lost a hundred bucks on that match? looking back, i now realise that was the best $100 i've ever spent in my life. This will almost certainly mark the end of the 2nd darkest era in recent NUFC history (with the worst being that period under Gullit. Really, back then, i couldn't even smile)

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