Google to launch online payments service: Gbuy
Google chief executive Eric Schmidt says Google's pending online payments service GBuy won't compete directly with eBay's PayPal, but eBay doesn't believe him, according to this WSJ story.
...The Mountain View, Calif., Web-search giant, which has terrified Silicon Valley with its ability to quickly create new consumer products and services, is developing a rival service called GBuy. For the last nine months, Google has recruited online retailers to test GBuy, according to one person briefed on the service. GBuy will feature an icon posted alongside the paid-search ads of merchants, which Google hopes will tempt consumers to click on the ads, says this person. GBuy will also let consumers store their credit-card information on Google.
wow. Now I can buy things online using my Gbuy.
Wonder if my kuku bird will ever become this powerful?
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