Saturday, February 18, 2006

Get. A. Fucking. Life. Assholes.

Some people out there are real motherfuckers. Seriously.

I'm sure you guys know about that poor girl from NYP by now. The poor girl got her handphone stolen and then had its contents mass-emailed throughout the entire school, which then quickly led to almost everyone else in singapore receiving it too. Ala Paris Hilton.

Unfortunately for her, there was a very long and explicit sex video stored inside the handphone. Ala Paris Hilton.

So the poor girl now finds herself an unwilling porn star to whom I'm sure many assholes have gotten pleasure out of. Ala Paris Hilton. (actually not really. Paris is such a publicity whore that she probably planned the leak herself. Difference is, this poor girl didn't)

Suddenly, it became the talk of the town. Practically every single male had watched it at least once. I personally watched it twice - not because I was turned on and wanted to get my rocks off, but because I was shocked. Shocked that the cheebye who stole the phone would actually circulate it and shocked that the girl in question was stupid enough to actually allow him to film it. (yes, she does know about the video. She looks directly at the camera more than once.)

It wasn't long before people were trying to find out exactly who this poor girl was, posting her name, email address, school, faculty, cca, hp number, msn contact, bra size, family size and no. of pets online. They even went to the extent of digging up old photos of her - fully clothed of course.




seriously, why the fuck do you need to do that for? what did the poor girl ever do to you guys? Did she have plastic surgery, become a celebrity of sorts and then deny having any work at all? All she did was to stupidly agree to having sex on video and before you know, she's butt naked for the world to see and comment on. And the irony of it? Her school is now even thinking of expelling her.

What the fuck???!!

I remember in RJ (yes, i know i don't seem like the smart type. i've heard it many times before. Once tonight as a matter of fact. This other ah beng choked on the smoke of his fag when i told him i was from RJ), the principal once called me into his office and he said, "We don't care what you do outside of school as long as it isn't illegal." Even the top JC in singapore doesn't care about my out of school activities (which WERE legal btw) - why the fuck is this poly now considering expelling her? On what grounds may I ask? For being stupid enough to take part in a filmed sexual experience? (Some people make a damn good living that way. Just ask Paris or Abi Tittmuss.) For being shamed, now that men walk by her in the streets and mentally undress her? (Not that they wouldn't before. Men are bastards that way - only this time, they really have seen her naked.) How is this poor girl going to live the rest of her life? She'll always be remembered as 'that girl giving a blowjob in that home video'. (Just ask Annabelle Chong. I don't think people care about the fact that she once got an A in econs during her 'A' levels. They remember that she was the star in the world's greatest orgy, getting banged more times than a bumper car at a funfair.)

One fucker even went as far as to post on the hardwarezone forum - "Last time when I saw her in school, I thought she was really cute. Wanted to ask her for her number. Luckily I didn't. Now if I ever see her in school, I'm going to ask her how much she charges for a night." Seriously dude, you're a grade A cheebyekia. Fact check - she didn't do anything other than engage in consensual sex with her boyfriend. Only difference between her and your mother/sister is that you got to see it. (Actually I'm not too sure about this one. I might be wrong here. You might be the kind of cheebyekia who actually enjoys peeping at your mother/sister doing it.) Trust me buddy - if your mother/sister one day becomes a 'star' like the NYP girl, I promise you I'll ask her the exact same question you wanted to ask.

Simply because you deserve it.

I feel super bad for her. I'm no saint - far from it in fact. I'll be the first to hold my hand up and say that I'm like the furthest thing you can think of when you're thinking of role models. You name every vice and I've probably done it. Seriously. I DO watch porn. But I was still stunned to see that video and the general reaction to that video. Its bad enough that you bastards wanked off to it. Its even worse if you had a crush on her previously and now enjoy the free show more than most. But if you actually enjoyed it and dug out her old photos and posted her details online for the whole world to see, you're a motherfucking sonofabitch. You deserve every little bit of abuse you get. What did that girl ever do to you? 人家也是妈生的。

This reminds me of another incident. Not too long ago, I was at Orchard picking up Jan's Vday present. Standing in front of me in the taxi queue (I'm super atas. I don't take the bus.), were these 2 good looking guys. I assume they're models. Anyway, model A was talking loudly about how his ex girlfriend was in this month's FHM and what a great lay she was. He went into great detail I might add. Normally, I wouldn't have bothered listening to begin with cause I'm anti social that way. But this time around, I was halfway through unravelling my iPod earphones which had managed to roll itself into a ball when I heard model A mention his girlfriend's name.

It was my ex girlfriend's name too.

So I listened and burned internally. I got home, I bought the FHM hoping that she wasn't in it.

She was.

Its disgusting when you hear someone you know to being described that way by a total stranger. Its even more disgusting when you actually are friends with that person. (I'm still on pretty good terms with most of my ex-es, there being only one exception to the rule.) Unfortunately, I'm still good friends with this particular ex so it rankles. So you fucked an FHM babe. Big. Fucking. Deal. FYI, you're not the only one. Only difference is, I'm too much of a gentleman to go around kissing and telling about something that should remain private.

Coupled with the FHM was the FHM top 100 girl next door supplement. A quick look through reveals that I have 5 models from my company taking part. 3 personal friends. 1 ex girlfriend. Which now brings to mind the next puzzling question. Why would any girl want to join something like this? To prove that she's hot? To see many guys out there would want to fantasize about her? For the attention from the general public?

Trust me - that poor girl from NYP is probably praying that none of this had ever happened and that she wasn't in the public eye for something like this, wishing it would probably all just go away like a really fucking bad dream. Something like this just pisses me off so bloody bad. If you were one of those who took part in the digging up of her past, you're a real fucker and should be ashamed of yourself.



Blogger Zhe Bin said...

Like you, I certainly don't agree with the school's decision to expell her. I mean, I thought the school should be considering giving her counselling or other help. But wtf, expulsion?

This whole thing's sick.

However, she shouldn't have filmed, or agreed to film it. He's just a boyfriend. Who knows what he'll do to the clip.

2:21 PM  
Blogger Candyfeehily said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

2:47 PM  
Blogger Nobody said...

Interesting views....

By the way, were you keen on the news of say... the recent execution-style murder? Or maybe, do you ever read entertainment magazines?

But by going according to your views, I think the whole media industry should close down.

Well, maybe I hold a different view cos I am in the media industry....

No offense though...

2:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The funny thing is, the school's expelling her not because she had sex, but because soemone circulated a video of it against her wishes. Effectively, they're punishing the victim, not the perpetrator.
Since a school is supposed to be staffed by teachers with a strong ethical and moral background, I have to ask: why?
It's likely the school would have kept it quiet if they had come to know on their own. Teachers tend to care about their students. So is the expulsion really driven by moral outrage?
Or is it a business decision? No private school would want to be known as the school involved in a sex scandal. They need to convince parents that they are providing the kids with 'strong moral foundations' or some such crap. (Though frankly I doubt moral development is really driven by school experiences nowadays.)
The interesting thing is: Treating this issue as a privacy issue and allowing the girl to continue would signal that they support people's right to lead their own lives. That they encourage thei students to be empowered. Expelling her sends the signal that they rigidly control everything that goes on in and outside of the school - that maintaining specific moralities is more important than valuing individual liberty.
And the saddest thing is, that's probably what parents want.
Schools are a reflection of society. Parents probably dont care about whether their children value their personal liberties as long as they conform to codes of conduct. Our respect for freedom of choice seems to be only skin deep.

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you got the scoop from right?
Anyway there's an update.

4:16 PM  
Blogger LittleRedDotGuru said...

Yeah, the person who uploaded this is a fucking asshat.

6:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well written!

7:03 PM  
Blogger Shuxy said...

Great post =)! All the best to this girl, and to those helping her through these tough times. NYP doesn't seem to be handling this well at all though. If anything, the ~!@#$ who distributed this video should be expelled "destroying" NYP's reputation.

11:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm similarly disgusted that the school is choosing to punish the victim instead of the perpetrator. Whom I think ought to be persecuted as both thief and distributor of pornographic material.

7:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, does this mean we need more intervention from Government, or a more-restrictive Taliban-styled response to this event?

12:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude. Got linked from tmr after I found the nick familiar and all...

All I can say is, if I do lose my phone ever, I'll be sure to store some gay porn in there. Woot!

4:44 PM  
Blogger FusionStream said...


You need to seriously think about getting a job at The Straits Times.

Fucking brilliant writing!!

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


cant find the video leh!

someone email me can?


2:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The uploader is depraved. The poor girl!

But what upsets me more is the general reaction to what's happening.

Why are Singaporeans so judgmental about this?

Read around the various blogs... the general tone is "it's her fault, let's laugh at her, haha, etc". The school is going to expel her. People on the streets will recognize her, will make lewd jokes, will cause immense mortification to the poor girl.

Don't they realize that she's the victim here?

It's quite a different thing from Paris Hilton or Annabel Chong. Both of them wanted that attention.

This poor girl did not.


9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh. My bad for not reading above posts (re: varun) and repeating what's already been said.

12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"" Trust me buddy - if your mother/sister one day becomes a 'star' like the NYP girl, I promise you I'll ask her the exact same question you wanted to ask.

Simply because you deserve it.""
You're an even bigger idiot to say that!
the rest of the article was good

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u are just one guy who has the best character around. let's just pray that bitch that circulate the video get fucked too and let's enjoy her fucking video..!

8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa, that last comment there before this is so L.A.M.E.. 'Let's enjoy her fucking video'??
Anyway, it beats me to no end why a girl would wanna join the fhm contest. Bought the issue and the pictures are so really quite amateur!

8:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah what u say is true..i sing the same tune as the rest who dun -> KNNBCCB

12:22 AM  
Blogger *shanz* said...

the guy/ger who circulated the video around should fucking rot in hell. let's see how he/she feels when this is done on him/her. Retribution, mark my words.
btw brother, bloody brilliant entry yet again.
man i am cussing too freaking much. must be all the angst accumulated... lol

1:58 AM  
Blogger s. said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

2:34 AM  
Blogger s. said...

One of the best entries on this entire issue.

Honestly, what's the big fucking deal? She's just a teenager having sex with her boyfriend (80% of teenagers nowadays do anyway) & unfortunately, she decided to keep a video of the act (to watch it when she gets the itch, probably).

So there we have all these saints slamming her left, right & centre. Good god. Give her a break already!

On another note, you're a really good writer.

2:36 AM  
Blogger Keidi said...

hmm agree with u..
tt ger is damn ke lian
might kanna can she face her family n friends sia,
sex is beri personal idea why this kinda pple has the hrt to do such evil thing..
will get retribution one!

4:05 AM  
Blogger tygrr said...

zhe bin - apparantly, the school isn't going to expel her after all, so its all good again.

ghost - none taken mate. i've been to your site and read through your posts too. frankly, you write well - which means its time for you to reconsider that target figure of 10,000 unique readers. you're gonna hit that easily. oh and i AM in the media industry. chuckle.

anonymous 1 - nah i didn't get it from xlx. let xlx and ghost slug it out. i only came across this from edmw. i only stated my views. i didn't expect to be caught in the wave of disapproval later.

anonymous dude further down - i agree. maybe i shouldn't have said that. i take it back.

shanz - angst from WHAT??!! the fact that your guild leader has quit?? rofl. in one post, you claim you're busy like hell. in the next post, it's revealed that you were busy playing games...

6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic, but were you from RJ Humanz? A03A by any chance?

12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Save Tammy the whore from NYP
ha ha

12:22 PM  
Blogger Nobody said...

Thank you! You made my day but I think I have a long way to go to improve my writings.

12:49 PM  
Blogger tygrr said...

anonymous, yeah i was from a03a.
who ARE you?

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn it. Report to police. If they really want to trace, there is thing call 'IP' be it she upload from home or in sch. There is some way to trace. I want to see him/her jailed. Frankly speaking i cant and wont remember how tammy look. But if that asshole is being caught, i definitely will make the effort to remember.

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said !

Totally a gree with you. I seriously don't understand why the heck those sick people are attcking the poor girl. Why attack her? It's the guy who shot the video, not her.

Sick people everywhere!

11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you ask me, I'm of the opinion that Tammy and chum's combined intelligence is that of a single beanstalk. How sexy is it to have your fuck video on your mobile?! Much have been said, I always have a soft spot for unfortunate cretins like Tammy. I want to give her a hug and tell her that everything is going to be alright.

Come on, NOBODY deserve this.

Frankly, I was more intrigued with the coming from of the perpertrator in this whole whammy Tammy episode and what actually transpired. It's pivotal to remind ourselves that you are not entitled to hate people and jump at the very first instance to destroy another's life merely because they are a) more popular, b) bought the same blouse, c) fancy the same bloke. What goes around, comes around mate, the karma police will be out for your blood and you'll probably pay it back three fold.

The first glaring thing that strikes me about people asking for the link to the fuck video...sigh...where do I even begin? Worse are those who dug out her life story and posted it, these people should be confined to eating dolphin poo for life. Some simple truths bear constant restatement. Where is the humanity in this whole unfortunate incident? Is it really so fascinating to see some girl's vagina get hammered? Well, I think I have established from the outset that people are generally vile and stinking.

And finally, to the institution that harbours the thought of expelling this poor girl because she shot some fuck video on her phone and the video distributed against her wishes when her phone is stolen! Your idea of a tertiary education is as profound as Thor the delectable sex dwarf.

11:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI, the school is not going to expel her and instead is giving her conselling to get her back normally and for goodness sake, think for the school as well. This video is nothing to be proud of and the person who circulated it as well as the persons involved in it all play a huge responsibilty to their doing. This has defamed the school and it did not just affect one or two persons, the school's population of ten of thousands are being affected as well. The persons involved need to be responsible for the outcome. Just as like you said, people remember Paris Hilton with her video, people too will remember and associate her with the video, and that's where the school comes in to help her overcome that.

12:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cheers to all humanly comments made by all the people here. I'm happy that not all person are discussing abt the things she did but actually thought of condemnin the person circulation the clips. Humanity is not lost after all!

5:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just my 2cents worth, whatever happened to the gal who STOLE the handphone in the first place? So did she manage to get away just simply because her case wasn't as 'serious' as the scandal???

but anyway, im glad that the school is helping the victim to get back on her feet again.

I guess if she ever stumble on this blog, she'll be glad to know that many people here are supportive towards her

10:08 AM  
Blogger Wormie said...

This is a good lesson of how technology can be mis-used. So if you want to keep a secret, just keep your mouth shut, ... or in this case, keep the camera lid on!

I hope the perpetrator is sentenced. Wonder what she would feel like if her nude photos are pasted everywhere?!

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why get so worked up over this issue? I dont think it concerns you does it? Or are you trying to be the hero here standing up for that "oh so poor girl", hopeing one day she will find out about your masculine acts and let you be the male lead in her next show?? hahaha

6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grow up kids. Stop referring to NYP as a school. Its a polytechnic, and not a primary or secondary school that spoon-feeds and protects their kids.
I'd say Titty deserves to be expelled. Thats the price to pay for being so proud, showy, and for being so full of herself.
Im sure the girl who circulated the videos must have been a hell of an enemy of hers. Why dont u ppl question why she did it? Titty prolly pushed her luck too far

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the guy who actually questioned why the sympathy for Tammy? Is there an ulterior motive for the 'uncalled' for sympathy and that those who do sympathise with her plight are just masking their real intentions in hope of banging her one day?

2 things, first of all, I'm a girl and I do not have a hot rod waiting to enter a random hole. Secondly if your mother or sister was this Tammy character, I would have felt the same.

Don't you get it? Not everyone wants to benefit from this situation like you.

Frankly, you're really just a sad excuse of a fuckwit and like I do pity Tammy, I pity you as well. Have a heart.

10:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's beyond me how a human being can think another deserves what happened to Tammy, really, it's mind boggling.
Tammy may be showy, she may be aloof, she may be popular, she may well be a class A bitch who is so fucking full of herself. Thats her problem, not yours!!!
What kind of upbringing do you have? to actually think that Tammy deserves what she got.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset. I hold fast to my opinion that your unswerving immaturity be attributed to some neural glitch and/or developmental obstruction and I believe fervently this was a result of poor parenting.
Also to the guy who is so sceptical of humanity and goodwill, you're fucked in the head thru and thru, go seek a doctor, get some help, you definetly need it.

12:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

co sign,brother.

im a man of little words.

but yes, the person who distributed the video, seriously, you deserve a fucking good beating.

4:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone pls send me this video at

thank you

5:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written.
Ha, if one's stupid enough to do video somethng as private as sex, ...ehm, be prepared for it to escalate till this bigggg. Remember voyeurism is in evryone.

8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, can't agree more. She does not deserve this even though she is stupid enough to let the acts filmed.

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

latest news report: she did not regret doing it.she says it's all for fun.i used to feel sorry for her but after the report, im just speechless.

7:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Did anyone see how the boy's shaft grew longer and longer as he screwed Tammy? His fishballs became more and more detached from his body - a sign that he was really, really ecstatic and fervent in his act.

Tammy was horny too - all that white stuff that dripped onto the boy's shaft at the end of the movie, before he made a final thrust into her anus.

7:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,

It was a shock when I heard about it. I just came back from my business trip.

Can anyone pls send me this video at


10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why the fuck is everyone talking abt tammy.
Why no one is saying abt the one with the dick?
After all, both are naked...
Someone should mention abt him ..his name and maybe even his photo.

Only poor Tammy is facing all the unfair..

10:19 PM  
Blogger drmchsr0 said...

You people are hypocrites.

All of you.

I am ashamed to be Singaporean.

Ashamed to be even living on the same rock as all of you corporate whores.


12:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nowadays girls are open minded, girl do not weigh the important of taking care of their body, simply agree to sex with guy at such young age. We should have not seen this saga if she had choose to protect herself. I guess her parent whose generation was conservative would deeply upset by the sight. Girls please give it to only your husband only after married. stop the stupidity. pls.

11:47 AM  
Blogger *shanz* said...

hahah nononono sweetie, angst not from GL quitting. angst from some other stuff. >_< meanwhile i was busy as hell that few days with my thesis... after which I was looking forward to a good few hours of WoWing. lol*

12:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone has to tell Tammy this important message, "God forgives you and we all forgive you for your mistake". Start your life holy and right again. Come to church and this is the place where you find life again. No one will condemn you here and everyone welcomes you because the church is the place where you get to be re-born and live again. God loves you.

4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jst saw abt this news.

can anyone send the video clip to me

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved watching the video and actually masturbated twice to it, once at the start and the one at the end.

The boy had a red-hot cock at the start and Tammy made it even hotter sucking on it.

I don't care if she's flat-chested, her hairless cunt is what I love about her. So virgin and pure looking.

Fuck that cunt and ass again, I say!

10:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Great Post!

I can find the video, can anyone send to me


12:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

huh when did this happen? anyway can anybody send the video to


10:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perfectly put, thou i don't know what's goin on, and have not seen the clip, i have to say all this is pretty much bullshit. I've recorded stuff with my other half, and many friends i know have done the same, but we keep it private btw the lovebirds only. It's just unlucky that she did not think of keeping it secure (Eg: Encryption or someting along the line). So all those bastards gettin off on that video clip, i wish you many a torn foreskin and STDs in the years to come. Punishment for being too horny a prick.

Franky speaking, after her video goin out on the school network, i don't think it'd be easy to study in NYP anymore. There are just too many people who have a "OMG THAT'S THE WHORE" attitude and show it on their faces. Come on, wake up Singapore.

There is a fucking common attitude about such stuff. "She slept with me that's why she's a slut, She didn't sleep with me that's why she's a whore." And to the person who thinks that way, fuck you. Burn in hell. And the last thing i want to note is, WHY THE FUCK IS IT OK FOR THE GUY AND NOT THE GIRL? Come on! THINK ABOUT IT! Why is the emphasis about the girl? Why can't we go like .. har har, the guy has a small dick or something. The girl is always a victim somehow. Oh wells, made my 2cents of internet time worth.


P/s: Kudos to the author of this blog.

5:29 AM  
Blogger Robin CHAN said...

Shame on those bastard!

3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so sad to see u...
why you wan to record down?

3:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

someone plz send me the video at

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u all cibai lanjiau kannilaobuchaocibai!!!
u say jesus cause u all seen that movie clips oledi,
fuck u all waste my time

9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo can anyone send me the video.. thanks

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

talk so much for wat? pity this pity that, eh charity ah? knn, she juz a slut lah, and the guy a bastard. Don't tell me all ur sad stories lah. Got show to watch still kpkb? btw, i haven't seen part 1 & 3 or maybe 4 leh. where can see har??

11:35 PM  
Blogger tygrr said...

why you so mean? sob sob.
you hurt my fee-wings...

2:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can any 1 tell mi where can i find
the video or can any 1 send mi this video at
Thx alot!

3:51 PM  
Blogger Placed this here said...


4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi guys, i happened to pass by and see this blog and coments. i am really proud that there are still guys who are still conscious minded and know what is going on and how it should be dealt.

same, i dont agree to that person who stole the phone and mass send out. your views are like mine, but i am here to give some solution.

1.) To the person who stole the phone, he shall be nabbed down and be charged under 2 criminal offences
- Stealing of other property.
- unrevealing privacy without consent.

i study about a bit on law. If you(the guy who stole the phone) are watching it now, let me tell you, you will be sentenced to at least 6months imprisonment and fine up to $10,000.

2.) To the friends of the poor girls, please be pity on her. She's in a very bad state now. What she need now is no more oil and pepper but care and support from friends. She might not be shame or emberrass now but in long run she might have a setback about this issue.

If she feel bad now, ad we dont give support sooner or later everything will turn real bad. The media will digged more news from it.

3.) to any lecturer in nyp who is watching this, i agree with wat the other blogger say. You might have a consenual sex with your boyfriend maybe your current husband or wife before or after ROM, just that u aren't seen by others. have pity on the girl, maybe wat she needs is concern and as the bf can give it to her she consent to her bf request.?

hope this issue will soon bought to an end because this is not good to be known by foreigner in singapore and if it goes on the secondary school student or younger ppl will find more curious n will try to find out how she feels and they might be the next victim.

my blog here doesnt trying to pinpoint down any1, just trying to help to solve the problems. THANKS

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yoz... do any1 mind send me the video to thks... indeed, she is really pity... haiz..

2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aiyah - She's not a slut neither is she a whore, just a very careless young girl to have unfortunately lost/got stolen phone wit naughty things on it.
If I were her I demand my cut from all those horrible ppl who made money from the clip and immigrate to Australia or US!! So that no hamsup apek can oggle with their hampsup goggle eyes.

The problem is these days, kids or teenagers are growing so fast, sex is for fun, taping and sharing with friends like sharing peanuts from a bag, watabout romantic sex/love??? When I was 17, hot raunchy sex came out from Mills & Boons romantic novels, nowadays is from your phone with yourself perfoming advance copulation techniques? Aiya- Shake head - what has this world has come to?

12:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

newbie here...
anyone still having the video?
mind sending it to me?

2:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi all...
anyone still happen to have tat Tammy's video clip?
mind sending it to me at

3:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree wiv u its sick. to hear about things like that.

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting... but if the poly didn't even have the thought of expelling her, then wat will parents think?

"nyp is such a bad place! it has so many sex stories! Child! be sure never to go there!"

"oh no! you're in nyp! wat kind of influience are you under? wat kind of friends are you meeting up with? i wan to know their number.. etc"

they could at least have the thought to show parents that they care abt this whole issue.

bottom line is...
dun even do tt kind of thing til you're married. thats the safest. and dun ever agree to film it down for "future purposes".

3:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey dude seriosuly she's a poor thing but let me make it clear
seriously i haven even watch it and doesnt have any future plan of watching it although all my frens already watched it (they even remembered the post and stuff) wat a jerk!
oh i did not register so jsut put my name down below


8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why talk about it if you care about the person in the video.
Admit it or not those people that say they care blah blah blah are just hypocrites if you really care don't comment about it, don't blog it etc. you are just fanning the flames
You care about HER, Yah right
i bet you could not
instead you will just delete this comment or give a lame excuse

7:55 AM  
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