Thursday, September 29, 2005

"How could you?"

Please don't ever wear fur. I know its Singapore and nobody in their right mind wears fur (unless they have a death wish).
But earlier today when i was at the NUS library, I saw a friend who was wearing a jacket with a fur collar and sleeves. So I asked if it was faux fur. Turns out, it was the real deal.
Not just that - she was proud that she could afford the real deal.
And she's a dog owner as well.
It just turns my stomach.

check out this video and tell me you can still find it in you to wear fur. heck, if i wasn't allergic to veges, i would turn vegetarian too.

Video (NC 16)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Shout out

shouting out to angel: HELLO!!!

its always a nice feeling when a friend finds your blog. I've known Angel since my freshman year - but we've never met in spite of us being in the same school. In fact, there have been many opportunities for our paths to cross, but somehow, this has never happened. I believe she stays in hall - I stay at Dover which is opposite NUS. She KTVs, so do I. yet we've never physically met up before.

I believe i first 'met' Angel years ago in FOD where we had our first blogs. then when I migrated to bravenet, she followed my progress and continued to read my crappy writings. Ditto for moblog when I went there for that silly competition. And now that I'm anchored at blogspot, she's managed to find me again. SO SWEET!!!!

When i first started Looking Glass Models, she recommended a couple of friends to my agency, so i'm in her debt as well. And now, when I meet her on MSN, she lectures me for not being able to speak japanese (actually, she even goes as far as to correct my pathetic attempts. Show off) despite being 1/4 jap. Oh well. I've linked her in any case, cause she's just such a sweet nice thing. Oh - a word of warning - this insane engineer in training now wants to be a diplomat, so she's taking TWO foreign languages, jap and german. Hence the lengthy postings in japanese on her blog. If you don't read jap, chances are, you're gonna be skipping quite a few entries. heh

Eh Angel, must find some time, you can bring your Shane while I bring my Jan and we can all go talk cock sing song ah!

MSN messenger 7.5

rediscovered the joy of msn messenging again. i tend to shy away from logging on unless i'm bored cause all of a sudden, there's that disco lights effect where your entire taskbar is full of flashing lights from people who are clamouring to talk to you. (not because i'm popular, but because i'm a such an anti social craphead, they don't get to see me in the flesh)

then today, i saw keith's version of msn messenger which was way cool. i was totally amused with nudging, winking and sending ultra cute emoticons. something i couldn't do cause i was using msn messenger 6.2. sad huh? basically i'm like a swaku turtle in a turtle food store now - playing around with the new fangled msn features. eh, go upgrade to msn messenger 7.5 leh. that way, we can all have fun together. nudge nudge wink wink

Now i'm actually checking out the price of web cams cause both jan and i are gonna be ridiculously busy. at least with web cams, we get to 'hang out' a bit. and since we can't afford ridiculously hip 3G phones, cheapo webcams will have to do.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Its confirmed

It’s confirmed.
From the CNA website:


What can I say? In the past, when people asked me if I’ve ever thought of immigration, my usual reply was to scoff immediately. Why move? I mean, I DO want to work overseas for a couple of years, as that would be give me the chance to broaden my horizons and build up a contact network like none other. But eventually, I always wanted to come back home and raise my kids here.

Where else in the world can you enjoy hot, steaming soft boiled eggs with a kopi-o at the kopitiam, watching Suzanne Jung on CNA?

Where else in the world would you feel perfectly safe on the streets late at night after a couple of drinks?

Where else in the world could you have all your friends and family, readily available for meet ups?

Where else in the world could you say “I’m home” without feeling that slight twinge deep inside?

The beautiful thing about Singapore is that no matter where you go, which corner you turn or whichever building you enter, from that moment on, there’s a memory (sweet or otherwise) attached to it. Whenever I go by Joo Seng road, I can’t help but smile at the place where the first office I’ve ever set up stands. Even though it was a bittersweet experience, I still feel that twinge of poignancy. Singapore is home and there are memories on almost every single spot all around me. The bus route where I had my first kiss, the hidden little Macs that my ex girlfriend and I used to go to... too many memories all around...

Maybe its time to create new memories somewhere else.

No more?

That’s it. Enough is enough.
My friend called me up tonight all hysterical (by the way, if you guys reading this happen to know my private number, here’s a word of advice for you – DO NOT call me after midnight these days. I’m trying my hardest to regulate my body clock again so I’m normally in bed by then. Tolong lah – mai kajiao la.) Fortunately for him, his news was rather spectacular, so I didn’t fuck him outright.

Apparently, he had heard from CNA that the government had recently announced that they plan to ban the importing and sale of cigarettes by the year 2015. My initial reaction was that of skepticism – “Don’t talk cock can? The gahmen makes so much from nicotine taxes each year, they stop selling my ass lah.” However, he was adamant and insisted that the ever trusty CNA really and truly had reported that exact news – so I did what any self respecting netizen would do. I went to EDMW.

Apparently, my friend wasn’t the only one who heard it on the news. Can somebody please confirm it? I’m suffering from heart palpitations as I type and my body clock is gradually winding down once again (however, if you didn’t get to hear of it as yet, then remember – you heard it here first)

For the strangest reason, the only thought running through my head now is, ‘Its time to leave. For a looooong time.”

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I am...

I am the baby who was brought up by his grandparents when his mother suffered from post-natal depression and had to, like her new born son, learn how to stand on her own two feet again.

I am the toddler who grew up in fear of his mother’s return home from work because that would signal the start of his lessons, the same lessons which would set the foundations for the rest of his life.

I am the kid who took the school bus to Primary 1 without his parents, because they simply couldn’t fork out the time, and wondering why the other kids were crying when their parents were there.

I am the boy who insisted on wanting to learn how to play the piano, which eventually turned into a chore.

I am the boy who stole Archie comics from the local mama shop because I couldn’t afford them.

I am the brother who fought with you all the time when we were kids.

I am the brother who tailed the bully who beat you up all the way to his house before proceeding to beat him up too.

I am the brother who got jealous and hurt because you told me your friend’s older brother was cooler.

I am the brother who is different from you, and yet the same as you in so many ways.

I am the son who cried beneath the living room table, when he saw you two fight and did not know why.

I am the son who cried when I saw you with another man because that meant my parents would become my mum and my dad.

I am the son who made you cry for not choosing the path you wanted for me.

I am the boyfriend who made you cry so many times simply because you did something I didn’t approve of, forgetting in the process that whenever I did something you didn’t approve of, you turned the other cheek.

I am the boyfriend who would intentionally pick a fight with you on my way to your office, just so you would be surprised and touched to see me there with flowers in my hand.

I am the boyfriend who would pretend to answer a call, hide in the toilet and smoke, simply because your mum doesn't approve of my smoking habit.

I am the boyfriend who followed you all the way down to Laguna Country Club, sitting there in silence while you tried to comfort your upset father.

I am the boyfriend who would rather go hungry than to see you starve.

I am the man who plunged into setting up my own business, simply because it felt right then.

I am the man who cuddled my kid to sleep on the first day he came home with us from the pet store, willing to give him all the love I could muster.

I am the man who is willing to do anything in the world to make sure that the both of you are well taken care of for the rest of your lives.

I am that man. I am that boy. I am that child – yet I am nothing without all of you.

Monday, September 12, 2005


After weeks of contract negotiations, its finally confirmed! My company, Looking Glass Imaging, will be solely in charge for all graphic design work for HOT magazine. Its going to be a free magazine, to be launched in December 05. Apart from that, I'll also be writing 2 articles for the mag. We havn't had our official creative team meeting as yet, but chances are, I'm going to be interviewing Kelvin Tan (He's a close personal friend and has been described as Singapore's DIY King of music. I believe he has something like 16 albums out by now and he also teaches part-time at La Salle. Who better to interview?) for one article. As for the other article, I'll most probably be doing something on unique cocktails from the different clubs or pubs (this article has my stamp all over it, so the other writers can go whistle for all I care. I'm the former bartender, so I get to do the appraisals.)

I'm so thrilled coz this is LGI's first major contract - hopefully, this will lead to better things...
Here's a mock-up of the cover for Hot magazine's relaunch issue (done by my wonderful designing team). Nice right! *beams*

Friday, September 09, 2005

Allan Wu is king.

Am I the only person in Singapore to be thoroughly irritated impressed with Allan Wu’s versatility? Don’t believe me? Just catch the non-stop advertisements on channel 5, promoting Fear Factor. (Yup, the episode where the non-Singaporean represents Singapore in the Fear Factor)

The bloody irritating side
Sitting on the Reverse Bungee G-Max, (or is it G-max Force? Whatever.), Allan does his imitation of Professor Lupin in Harry Potter. After Lupin has transformed into a werewolf of course. As the bungee goes up, he starts yelling, “ONLY ON CHANNEL 5 CAN YOU GET SUCH AN ADRENALIN RUSH!! AAAAWWWWOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!”. When the thing comes back down, he yells, “CATCH FEAR FACTOR ONLY ON CHANNEL FFFFFFFFFFFFIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEE”. Producers of Harry Potter, are you watching?

The linguist
As if to make up for the incessant yelling, he decides to impress us all with his extensive vocabulary. While describing the food challenge, he throws in a mightily impressive sentence that goes something like, “That was the most vile, indomitable entity that I’ve ever had to imbibe.” WOAH. Too cheem. Too cheem. As if it wasn’t bad enough that these foreign talent come to our sunny shores to earn our money and win over our women, now we have to take English language classes from them on TV. TV viewing will never be the same again.

The one liner
The only time I chuckled during the advert was when he jibbed, “After marrying my wife, fear is evidently not a factor for me”, possibly a nod to the well publicized reports that Ms Wong is quite the spitfire.

Talk about versatility. Ix Shen should be taking notes.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Philosophy HUH?

Oh man…talk about stress. This semester, I’m taking 2 Level 3 Philosophy modules and 3 Level 2 ones. Now, Level 3 modules are insanely difficult – and by insanely, I mean insanely. This is the kind of reading that gives philosophy a bad name.

Let me give you an example from my Moral Philosophy forum:

This student asks, “Dear Sir,
Just stepped out of the tutorial, still having problems with the Embeddedness Problem. Doesn’t the problem apply to all expressive statements, and not just expressivist moral statements? If so, doesn’t the problem just show that modus ponens is incompatible with the use of expressive language in either its antecedent or its consequent, and therefore does not outline a problem with the fabric of expressivist moral beliefs, but rather questions its presentation? Consider the example below:
1)      If Brazil scores a goal, Italians will be upset.
2)      Brazil scores a goal.
3)      Italians will be upset.
The above, if put in an expressive form (for a Brazilian soccer fan):
1)      If ‘hurrah’ for Brazil, then ‘boo hoo’ for Italians.
2)      ‘Hurrah’ for Brazil.
3)      ‘Boo hoo’ for Italians.
The support one has of Brazilians is not grounded in morality of any sort, and yet this is also an instance of modus ponens working with a statement without a truth value (2). Therefore doesn’t the embeddedness problem just point to problems with the mechanisms of expressivist morality rather than its content?
Thank you for your attention.”

The nice lecturer replies, “Though addressed to me, of course, anyone can respond.  But, very quickly, I'll just note that there isn't any reason to give a non-cognitivist reading to any of the statements in your argument.  Why have you so translated them?  According to non-cognitivists, a moral claim, like "truth-telling is right" just means (something like) "yea! for truth-telling"; but surely "Brazil scores a goal" doesn't mean "yea! for Brazil".  It means that someone on the team got the ball to go into the net.  It's an ordinary descriptive proposition about something in the world.  There's no problem with ordinary descriptive propositions being embedded within complex statements or within some logical operator, only with moral claims, which, according to non-cognitivists, aren't assertions.
I'll review the problem again in the beginning of Friday's lecture.  Bring questions!”

I say, “huh?”
If anyone out there understands either the question or the reply, PLEASE explain it to me, because I can envision a very difficult semester ahead indeed.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Squarebrain and the retard patrol

The comic strip is shamelessly ripped off
Spent a very enjoyable morning reading all their entries (written by the very bright Ray - of course he's bright lah. Law undergrad can??!) Ray is in charge of doing the actual writing while Zeng is the creatively talented one, doing up the comic strips. Actually, their entire site is extremely well designed - none of that macho "I'm cool so my site must be black and filled with pop art" crap.

And what is it with blogs that have two writers instead of one? I spent the previous night poring through the retard patrol's blog.

What can I say? Bloody brilliant. The two writers, vampire cat and sexx take turns to dig up ah lians and ah bengs (or what they call retards) from friendster and proceed to tear them to shreds, either mocking their photos or their writings (xx~LoLx tAoyAnS wHy tHey MaKe fUn oF mOi LyK dAt?~xx) *pengz* I was sniggering at first before I started laughing loudly at some of the most witty captions I've ever seen. Poor Pepper thought I was going crazy and came out from under the bed to peek at me.

So how does this co-writer thing work? One guy writes in one week and then the other guy takes over the next so that guy A has 2 weeks to plan his next entry? Whatever the case, its bloody working. RESPECT. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard while reading a blog.

Note to self: Got to call up Wendy and order another carton of fags. Am running short. errr.. LEGAL fags of course.

P.S Not ALL law undergrads are smart. I personally know of some who are fucking dumbasses not as bright but are extremely hardworking to make up for it. (wait they graduate I kenna sue. You think I stupid meh?)

The new IToon Tshirt

Talk about the latest Tyne fashions - this one has got to be right on top my wish list. I WOULD get it - if I had any spare change on me, which unfortunately, I do not. Christmas is too far away, CNY even further still... fuck. Forget it - I can probably create my own lookalike at a fraction of the cost work really hard and save up for it like the good boy that i am

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Day 1

Day 1 of diet, that is.

Had only one meal the whole day (dinner) - although strangly enough, I seem to smoke more when i eat less. Is there some weird cosmic inverse proportion at work here?


Guess not - i'm just looking for an excuse to kill myself faster.

Speaking of killing myself faster, after dinner, Keith smsed me, asking if i wanted to play football. so in my poor simple brain, i did the complex math equations - Football = Running like a fool = Lose weight. So I said yes. Now, I would like to clarify something - to those people who used to laugh at me for not being the most technically gifted player... ... well, you're right. No counter argument there. But I used to be a pretty good runner which was my greatest asset as a player. Take for eg, last time in the armour team, I could run 80 mins non stop, up and down the field, up and down the field. Tonight, I ran 80 secs non stop, up and down the court, up and.... that's about it. 80 secs up.

Last time I could score goals for fun, nipping in behind tired defenders. Tonight, I also managed to score 2 goals. Own goals.

Basket, you guys believed that didn't you? You idiots tend to believe everything bad about me. Nah. I scored two goals - the first, a scorching volley from 30 metres out and the second, a tap in from 3 cm out. and both were the result, not of determined running, but my tiredness. This is how it works, you're panting, don't wanna run no more, so you just shoot from all angles. If it goes in, all good and well. If it doesn't... well.

Almost got into a fight on the pitch. There was this speedy little gonzalez on the opposing team whose fave activity was to run straight at me before zipping by me with the ball, leaving me looking like a bloody fool. So there was this one time, he was zipping along, i was snoozing as usual and i did what any star player would do - i tripped him. He got straight up and came face to face with me. He's the typical kopitiam beng with the barb wire tattoo on his bicep, the barcode tattoo on his neck and a huge cheena dragon on his back. I couldn't let myself be outdone, so i rolled up my sleeve and showed him my thoroughly impressive tattoo on my flacid bicep. It worked and he backed off.

I wish I did. I apologised. sigh. Oh well, at least its a start to the diet.