Tuesday, September 27, 2005

MSN messenger 7.5

rediscovered the joy of msn messenging again. i tend to shy away from logging on unless i'm bored cause all of a sudden, there's that disco lights effect where your entire taskbar is full of flashing lights from people who are clamouring to talk to you. (not because i'm popular, but because i'm a such an anti social craphead, they don't get to see me in the flesh)

then today, i saw keith's version of msn messenger which was way cool. i was totally amused with nudging, winking and sending ultra cute emoticons. something i couldn't do cause i was using msn messenger 6.2. sad huh? basically i'm like a swaku turtle in a turtle food store now - playing around with the new fangled msn features. eh, go upgrade to msn messenger 7.5 leh. that way, we can all have fun together. nudge nudge wink wink

Now i'm actually checking out the price of web cams cause both jan and i are gonna be ridiculously busy. at least with web cams, we get to 'hang out' a bit. and since we can't afford ridiculously hip 3G phones, cheapo webcams will have to do.