Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Shout out

shouting out to angel: HELLO!!!

its always a nice feeling when a friend finds your blog. I've known Angel since my freshman year - but we've never met in spite of us being in the same school. In fact, there have been many opportunities for our paths to cross, but somehow, this has never happened. I believe she stays in hall - I stay at Dover which is opposite NUS. She KTVs, so do I. yet we've never physically met up before.

I believe i first 'met' Angel years ago in FOD where we had our first blogs. then when I migrated to bravenet, she followed my progress and continued to read my crappy writings. Ditto for moblog when I went there for that silly competition. And now that I'm anchored at blogspot, she's managed to find me again. SO SWEET!!!!

When i first started Looking Glass Models, she recommended a couple of friends to my agency, so i'm in her debt as well. And now, when I meet her on MSN, she lectures me for not being able to speak japanese (actually, she even goes as far as to correct my pathetic attempts. Show off) despite being 1/4 jap. Oh well. I've linked her in any case, cause she's just such a sweet nice thing. Oh - a word of warning - this insane engineer in training now wants to be a diplomat, so she's taking TWO foreign languages, jap and german. Hence the lengthy postings in japanese on her blog. If you don't read jap, chances are, you're gonna be skipping quite a few entries. heh

Eh Angel, must find some time, you can bring your Shane while I bring my Jan and we can all go talk cock sing song ah!


Blogger *shanz* said...

Waahhh!!! So honored to have a complete entry about me! *touched* ^_^
Anyway to clear something up, me and shane are just friends. *lol* but i dont mind asking him to join u/us for KTV :) Just let me know when's good for ya two. =)

1:22 AM  

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