Friday, September 09, 2005

Allan Wu is king.

Am I the only person in Singapore to be thoroughly irritated impressed with Allan Wu’s versatility? Don’t believe me? Just catch the non-stop advertisements on channel 5, promoting Fear Factor. (Yup, the episode where the non-Singaporean represents Singapore in the Fear Factor)

The bloody irritating side
Sitting on the Reverse Bungee G-Max, (or is it G-max Force? Whatever.), Allan does his imitation of Professor Lupin in Harry Potter. After Lupin has transformed into a werewolf of course. As the bungee goes up, he starts yelling, “ONLY ON CHANNEL 5 CAN YOU GET SUCH AN ADRENALIN RUSH!! AAAAWWWWOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!”. When the thing comes back down, he yells, “CATCH FEAR FACTOR ONLY ON CHANNEL FFFFFFFFFFFFIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEE”. Producers of Harry Potter, are you watching?

The linguist
As if to make up for the incessant yelling, he decides to impress us all with his extensive vocabulary. While describing the food challenge, he throws in a mightily impressive sentence that goes something like, “That was the most vile, indomitable entity that I’ve ever had to imbibe.” WOAH. Too cheem. Too cheem. As if it wasn’t bad enough that these foreign talent come to our sunny shores to earn our money and win over our women, now we have to take English language classes from them on TV. TV viewing will never be the same again.

The one liner
The only time I chuckled during the advert was when he jibbed, “After marrying my wife, fear is evidently not a factor for me”, possibly a nod to the well publicized reports that Ms Wong is quite the spitfire.

Talk about versatility. Ix Shen should be taking notes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lo and behold, Sunday times has a profile on Allan Wu...As usual, I can't make out whatever he's trying to say. Especially his response to the question of him being henpecked..Huh? is the only thing that comes to my mind. Grin, just as weird as his chinese i guess~

9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » »

2:09 AM  

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