Squarebrain and the retard patrol

The comic strip is shamelessly ripped off Squarebrain.net.
Spent a very enjoyable morning reading all their entries (written by the very bright Ray - of course he's bright lah. Law undergrad can??!) Ray is in charge of doing the actual writing while Zeng is the creatively talented one, doing up the comic strips. Actually, their entire site is extremely well designed - none of that macho "I'm cool so my site must be black and filled with pop art" crap.
And what is it with blogs that have two writers instead of one? I spent the previous night poring through the retard patrol's blog.
What can I say? Bloody brilliant. The two writers, vampire cat and sexx take turns to dig up ah lians and ah bengs (or what they call retards) from friendster and proceed to tear them to shreds, either mocking their photos or their writings (xx~LoLx tAoyAnS wHy tHey MaKe fUn oF mOi LyK dAt?~xx) *pengz* I was sniggering at first before I started laughing loudly at some of the most witty captions I've ever seen. Poor Pepper thought I was going crazy and came out from under the bed to peek at me.
So how does this co-writer thing work? One guy writes in one week and then the other guy takes over the next so that guy A has 2 weeks to plan his next entry? Whatever the case, its bloody working. RESPECT. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard while reading a blog.
Note to self: Got to call up Wendy and order another carton of fags. Am running short. errr.. LEGAL fags of course.
P.S Not ALL law undergrads are smart. I personally know of some who are
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