Monday, November 28, 2005

Take your punishment.

Singapore told to spare Aussie's life or face a trade ban

November 28, 2005

THE ACTU has threatened a trade embargo against Singapore if attempts to spare doomed drug trafficker Nguyen Tuong Van do not succeed over the next 24 hours.

ACTU president Sharan Burrow said if there was community support for a boycott or similar action against the Singaporean Government the union movement would swing into action.

"We'd certainly be prepared, with the community, to take whatever action is necessary," she told The Daily Telegraph.

"Enough members have indicated they are more than willing. Anything they could do would be more than welcome, including trade sanctions."

Ms Burrow, who is also the president of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, has been in talks with her Singaporean counterparts and says that despite its close ties with the Government there are pockets of support within the union movement there.

The Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union will today seek talks with its Singaporean counterpart and international bodies.

While nothing has been decided yet, there has been union talk of a boycott or work ban on any projects funded with Singaporean money.

Unions NSW has already passed a resolution urging all affiliates to support the campaign to save Nguyen.

The ACTU move came as Nguyen's best friends flew in from Melbourne yesterday for painful farewells to the condemned man.

Bronwyn Lew and Kelly Ng arrived at Changi Airport, the same facility where Nguyen was arrested in late 2002 carrying almost 400g of heroin.

Neither made any comment, but they wore yellow ribbons on their shirts and luggage, symbolising their hopes for a last-minute reprieve for the 25-year old former salesman.

They carried letters of support from well-wishers.

The trio will today pray and sing hymns. They will be separated by glass, but bonded by friendships which reach back to their school days.

Ms Ng, a strong Christian, told The Daily Telegraph that on their last visit she and Nguyen prayed and sang the hymn Strong and Constant.

"We both got strength out of that," she said.

"He's such a special person. We'll be saying some prayers and singing.

"His faith has definitely helped him a lot.

"Seeing him at peace and knowing he has such faith has made it easier for me."

Meanwhile, South East Asian nations began monitoring Australia's attitude to the hanging at a key regional summit.

Australia is set to join next month's inaugural East Asia Summit in Malaysia, thanks in part to strong lobbying by Singapore despite reservations in other participating countries.

Rodolfo Severino, the former secretary-general of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, said Australian reactions to the hanging "could cast some shadows on the Australian participation" in the summit.

But he said other summit participants "are aware of

the position of the Australian Prime Minister".

A veteran Singaporean diplomat, who was asked to comment on the hammering his country was getting in Australia, said: g "I do not, at this stage, see any serious damage to bilateral relations at all."

"That is partly because Singapore leaders have chosen to be extremely level-headed about the issue and have taken pains, at the very highest levels, to explain the Singapore position and the constraints Singapore faces.",20281,17382837-5001021,00.html

As you guys probably know, I'm perhaps the most apathetic Singaporean around when it comes to politics - but this isn't really politics is it?

I've always believed in one thing - if you've screwed up, then be man enough to take the punishment. (Of course, try to weasel your way outta it first. But when faced with a brick wall, take it like a man.) This is getting almost ridiculous.

But it does make you wonder - what about the Singaporean students over in Australia? What kind of backlash are they going to suffer?

Still keen on emigrating to Adelaide, Pearl? *grin*

Sunday, November 27, 2005

This is spooky

Forget Copperfield and Blaine -

this guy is the best ever!

Floating (NEW)

Chinatown (NEW)

Kiss (NEW)

Card Through Class (NEW)

Card Through Class (in the sub)

When Cyril meet the star (NEW)


Coin thru glass

Tea House

Chopsticks trick

Grandpa magic

Burger trick


Friday, November 25, 2005

We all need some laughs

Bob goes to a bar after a particularly gruelling day at the office, wanting nothing more than to down a couple of quick vodkas. Arriving at the bar, he puts in an order for a vodka on the rocks.
The guy sitting next to him turns to him and goes, "I would order the house cocktail if I were you. The alcohol in it is so amazing, it will make you float as light as a feather."
Bob bursts out laughing.
The guy looks insulted - "You think I'm kidding aren't you? Tell you what - this bar is on the 74th floor. Let's have a $1000 bet. I'll have the house cocktail and then jump out of the window - I bet you I'll be perfectly fine."
Bob does some quick thinking before going, "Fine. But if you're dead, there's no way I can claim my win so we hand over our money to the bartender for safekeeping. Deal?"

The two agree on it and hand over the cash. The guy proceeds to order the house cocktail, downs it in one gulp, walks over calmly to the nearest window and jumps out of it.
Five minutes later, he walks back into the bar - and there isn't even a scratch on him.

"Holy crap! That's bloody miraculous!" exclaims Bob. "Bartender, make me a house cocktail now! I wanna try it myself!"
The bartender makes him a house cocktail which Bob downs in a gulp, after which, proceeds to run to the same window and hurl himself out of it.

Turning to the other guy, the bartender hands over the $2000 before adding, "You know, you're a real asshole when you're drunk, Superman."

Thursday, November 24, 2005

In school now

Its quite nice being in school early in the mornings (I'm talking about the 1 am, the 2 am and the 3 am time slots. NOT the 7, 8 and 9 am time slots. That's obscene. Everybody should only sleep when the sun is up - we're undergrads for fuck's sake). There's nobody but you and your friends and you can blast all the hokkien songs you want at the Arts canteen without anyone looking at you like a freak.

Heyi and I are studying in the school now coz I've got a 9 am paper tomorrow morning. If I go to sleep, chances are, I'll wake up late and that's a risk I cannot afford to take. So I'll rather camp out in school with loads of fags, cokes and friends. Study till 9, go for the paper and then go back home to die.

See, Keith wanted to borrow my bag ages ago and being the wonderful older brother that I am, I said ok. What I forgot was that my pencil case was in that bag too. I've had one pencil case since I was in secondary school (I know. I rarely go to school, so my pencil case ends up being untouched. I even have the scientific calculator and the liquid paper drawings on it that Maryanne used to draw on them in RJ when we weren't paying attention) - and he lost it. The night before an exam and I can't find my pencil case. So I do the next best thing - I borrow Keith's.

I didn't bother going through the contents of the pencil case until now (I'm already in school) and this is what I find inside:

1)1 x GREEN pen (wtf?)
2)Dried up liquid paper (wtf?)
3)1 x naked baby figurine (wtf?)
4)1 x powerpuff blossom figurine (wtf?)
5)1 x la bi xiao xing (crayon shinchan) figurine (wtf?)
6)1 x protractor
7)3 x erasers
8)1 x thermometer (wtf?)
9)1 x stapler
10)2 x sweet wrappers

wonderful. No pens. I guess I can enter the exam hall tomorrow and proceed to place cute little figurines all over my desk and then play with them throughout the exam.

I hate you Keith


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Quote of the day

"If I want to hear from an asshole, I'll fart."

I suddenly realise how crass I am. My previous quote of the day was -

"Are you an asshole? You're hairy and you stink"

Boobies, buttcracks, farts.

I'm just a dumbass at heart.


Monday, November 21, 2005


*rolls on floor laughing*

i used to be so slim!!!

saw this on the spurs singapore fan club (please don't ask me why the article is there. groan)

I remember this photo was taken at Sportzballz (well, they still recognise me there, so i guess i'm not unrecognisable as yet) and I was in my first semester at NUS. Now, i'm almost at the end (assuming I can graduate).

time really does fly, doesn't it?



sorry for the appalling lack of updates.
a pretty serious bout of food poisoning has left me weak at the knees with little energy left for blogging. Heck, i havn't even studied for the last 2 days, thanks to the fact that I've been laid up in bed pretty bad.

Question time - if I have MCs for all my papers and I still show up for them, will the profs be more lenient when it comes to grading?


Wednesday, November 16, 2005


“Oh, wad some power the giftie gie us
To see ourselves as others see us! -
Robert Burns

It was poet Robert Burns who wished for humankind the power to see ourselves as others see us. Can you imagine the insights into our lives and existence that would bring? But there is still another perspective on human affairs that is greater still.

What if we could see as God sees? From the study of life, human nature, and Scripture, I’m convinced his perspective would set us free to really live our lives the way it was truly meant to be lived.

If we could see as God sees, we would know that most human fears never materialize. Most of the things most of us spend most of our time worrying over are never going to happen anyway. So we waste energy and weaken ourselves for the day’s task. Maybe this is why Jesus said, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”

If we could see as God sees, we would realize that no problem that does come is insurmountable. In our gloomier moments of financial stress, illness, or family problems, we brood over questions without answers. However, as someone very wise once said, "Someday, this too shall pass". Remember the times when we think back and realise that what once seemed earth shaking and unsolvable is now nothing more than a memory?

If we could see as God sees, we would understand that no trial comes without a blessing attached. It cannot be seen in advance. In our perplexity, we doubt that anything good can come from a heartache. However, in retrospect, I now realise that there have been no problems of mine that didn't come with an advantageous aspect to it, enabling me to grow and learn from it. After all, sometimes, the best thing you can make is a mistake.

No matter what dark cloud you find yourself under, just remember these dark clouds have a tendency to come with a silver lining. Being happy is a choice - therefore I choose to be happy.

Life doesn't suck that bad after all.

Monday, November 14, 2005

"I'd like to be fifteen years old again,knowing what I know now."

Just spent yet another sleepless night reading an amazing story written by the very talented Al Steiner. Now this is what I call a true writer.

While it will never be hailed as a classic, considering the fact that it comes from the pen (or rather, the keyboard) of an untrained writer (he's a bloody paramedic. he doesn't even write for a living), I have to say that this is one of the most wonderful stories that I have ever read that hasn't been published.

Long time readers of my old blog might remember that I once locked myself in my room for 2 days just to see if I could deliver a screenplay in that time, yet failed when I couldn't come up with a plausible enough ending. It has become a thorn of sorts in my side - an obsession if you like. After months of searching and scouring the internet for similar stories regarding the chaos theory or as its more commonly known -the butterfly effect, I've finally found one which I'm actually excited about. (The Butterfly Effect theorem states that the flutter of a butterfly's wings in China could affect weather patterns in New York.)

Now I'm terribly excited and simply dying to convert it into a screenplay, just for the heck of it. Would make my holidays a lot more interesting. Have already emailed the abovementioned writer to seek his permission to create a screenplay for a short film out of his story. Will see how it goes. I've also emailed the 400 odd page Word document of the entire story to several close friends (Ok - only two. Ling and Kel. Ling's one of the brightest individuals I know, the best friend I've made in NUS as well as a sworn sis to me, so I value her intellectual opinion very highly indeed. Kel, on the other hand, happens to heavily involved in the local media and film industry - would love to hear his views on the plausibility of creating a screenplay out of this)

Goddamn it... I so badly wanna start now.. I can already see the freakin short film in my mind's eye...If only there weren't the fucking irritating exams at the back of my mind...

Sunday, November 13, 2005

In my honour

Just saw this on eguide, asia's best business directory (or so they claim)

Company Name :
Address :
UG PUDU PLAZA JLN DAVIS 55100 KUALA LUMPUR Kuala Lumpur Wilayah Persekutuan 55100 Malaysia

Tel :
03 21423867

wonder what they sell there?

Enough is enough

Woah. Submitted my FINAL essay of the semester on Thurs (and not a moment too soon, seeing as how my exams start the week after next) - decided to celebrate a little by relaxing a little.

Spent thurs night at Heyi's birthday party at Party World over at the Hello! Singtel building. It was insane, I tell you. That's what happens when you don't drink for 3 years and 8 months, only to start drinking like a fish, simply because your friends FORCE you to. (Not me. I last drank 3 days, 8 hours ago. Was referring to Heyi.) He drank and drank, taking his 'tekan session' like a man. RESPECT! So what if he ended up puking at the carpark opposite Hello! Singtel, out of his car window and at Mr. Bean over at Selegie? You still have my respect bro - cause you took it on the chin like a man. Met 3 new friends of Heyi's that night as well, which was fantastic because I didn't know that there were so many educated bengs over in NUS. How beng were they? Lets put it this way - one of them owns a garage for zhnging cars and another is a part time debt collector (he has loads of lobangs for pig heads, in case anyone needs.) Birds of a feather really do flock together. *grin* But this party was memorable, not only because I got to see Heyi drunk for the first time in the 8 years that I've known him, but for 3 other reasons -
1) I got to meet other educated bengs from NUS and I got along well with them, ah hong in particular. I rike!
2) This is the first time EVER that I found myself being the OLDEST one at a party. Granted, I'm just months older than both Heyi and Ling - but STILL??!!
3) I got to drive Heyi's Toyota - the one which he doesn't allow ANYONE to touch. *chuckle* That's what happens when you drink too much and can't drive yourself home - your friend gets to play around with your car.

Friday night was spent with the NUFCSG lads cause it was Keegan's birthday. Started the evening at Marina South where we all had the steamboat buffet before taking a short walk down to Breeze Bar. It wasn't till later that the madness REALLY started. Apparantly, there were bikini dancers over at Dennis' work place and to celebrate his birthday, they got the very drunk Keegan to strip off his top before enjoying a lap dance from the bikini girls. I'm not even gonna mention the third round of celebrations where Keegan and some lads headed over to Geylang to... aiyah you know lah. Apparantly after the deed, he couldn't even remember if he managed to do anything - he was THAT drunk. I say apparantly because I DIDN'T GO. *rolls on floor laughing* Told you guys I was guai, didn't I? Videos to follow soon once they upload it. (HELL YES! VIDEOS!! *guffaw*)

Something seems to be wrong with me these days. I used to club. A lot. Most of my working life thus far has also been spent working at clubs (Zouk, Venom, Amoeba, Tajie and Sole Luna - been there, done that.) But after spending two contrastingly different nights out with two sets of friends (Thurs with the slightly more cheena crowd at a KTV and Fri with a more ang moh pai crowd at a club), I feel... ... bored? I mean, the company was great and I had fun - but looking back now, it feels kinda funny deep down inside. Its almost as if everyone has a certain amount of clubbing related fun allocated to them, a quota if you like - and I've exceeded mine. After working at so many clubs, you do get kinda sick of the incessant clubbing, the drunken nights spent to hone your drinking capabilities, the vomitting, the sweaty restless sleep... ... I've been there and I've done it - and I'm not interested in heading back. I still wanna open my own pub/club someday, but I don't wanna club myself. Am I making sense??

I feel old.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Dawn is a miracle worker

This is the price of celebrity and fame, my dear. People WILL dig up your photos, especially when you explicitly deny ever having plastic surgery.

Let me repeat myself again - I AM NOT A DAWN YANG DETRACTOR.

DISCLAIMER - i did not dig up these photos. They're being plastered in other forums. So if they're wrong, just let me know and they'll be taken down

This is how she looks like now:

The following are pictures of Dawn back in SCGS and RJC
here's her SCGS pic

This is her in RJC

Her prom in 2002

Random photo, dated 29th Nov 2003

And just a quick reminder of what she looks like now:

Honestly - if it wasn't plastic surgery, all I can say is that it must have been a blooming miracle.
I know it might seem as if I'm picking on the dear girl, but I am not. If anything, I respect her more now.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

The best is yet to be

I put this down to stress
oh well, i guess i havn't forgiven you guys for showing up at K.A.P (King Albert's Park macs). I mean, what were you guys thinking? The lines were drawn clearly - ACS boys go to Holland V, Chinese High boys go to KAP (for the cute MGS girls, the scholarly Nanyang girls and the pweety SCGS girls) while RI boys go... I think they went home to study.

Speaking of KAP.. such fond memories. I just realised that I've dated girls from all three above-mentioned schools..

Life is good.


Indian girl's one-rupee suicide

A 12-year-old Indian girl committed suicide after her mother told her she could not afford one rupee - two US cents - for a school meal.

Sania Khatun lived with her mother in a village north of Calcutta under a tarpaulin sheet provided by the state.

Sania normally ate nothing at school but on Friday saw classmates eating rice and asked for one rupee.

Her mother scolded her and when she returned from work found her daughter hanged from the ceiling with a sari.

"She wanted just one rupee... but her mother could not give her the money due to poverty," government official Nakul Chandran Mahato told the Reuters agency.


The mother, Jainab Bewar, is a widow who works as a maid in the village of Paraspur, 200km (125 miles) north of Calcutta.

She normally fed her daughter with food she could get from the houses she worked in.

India's Telegraph newspaper said Sania was tempted by the sight of classmates eating puffed rice and oil cakes.

Ms Bewar told the newspaper: "I did not give her the money as I did not have it. I snapped at her when she insisted on it."

She and her sons never earn more than $13 a month combined, she says.

India has seen unprecedented economic growth in recent years but many remain untouched by the improvements.

A recent UN report said half of India's children were still malnourished.


and to think that last night, I was bitching about the malfunctioning aircon in my room.
I feel ashamed.

Hoo Ha!

"You know the best reason for hating everyone? By hating everyone I automatically become cooler than everyone else. The rules of despising people is that by doing it, you automatically put yourself in the position of coolness. This is awesome. Since I’m implicitly scared that they’ll think I’m not cool enough for them, I can pre-empt this by telling myself how much they suck. Which they do. Now, if you excuse me, I have to get back to my instant noodles and drama serials. Seriously, I must be like the coolest person on the earth."

The above was from Joel's blog and believe me, I happen to think that he IS cool. (if you've heard some of his erm stories, you would too)

If you read today's new paper, you would probably have noticed Dawn on the cover. Described as 'Singapore's hottest blogger', it was also reported that Dawn had been signed up by a talent agency which plans to have her undergo intensive 'singing, dancing, Mandarin and even Japanese' lessons.


There are sooo many errors in that report that I was left with a sour taste in my mouth.

Disclaimer: I am neither a 'Dawn Yang' supporter or detractor. As a matter of fact, I honestly don't care that she's getting this deal. Power to her.

1)Singapore's hottest blogger?
This is going to be a personal point. I honestly don't think that Dawn is the prettiest blogger in Singapore, although this is of course extremely subjective. Even Daphne is prettier than she is, although since both are my RJ juniors, I shall be nice and say that they're both pleasant looking. But I am irritated when you go to public forums or to Miss 'I am the winner of the 'Asian best blog' award's blog and you see people blasting Dawn for SUPPOSEDLY having plastic surgery. You judge for yourself.

"Tell me what you don't like about yourself"

Like I said earlier, I still think Daphne is 'hotter' than Dawn, but maybe that's just me.

You see and be the judge for yourself. (Which reminds me - Dawn's blog is very much like Daphne's - loads of nice looking photos of their wonderful, beautiful lives. Enough to give anyone an inferiority complex. Remind me to link Dawn Yang too.)

Fuck la - lets just end this debate here and now. In any case, its irrelevant to my post. The hottest blogger is this one:End of story
However, it doesn't matter whom you think is hotter. It irks me to no end that people on public forums are slamming Dawn for SUPPOSEDLY having plastic surgery. (Ok, lets assume for argument's sake that she HAS.) So what if she has had plastic surgery? Is that any worse than doing photoshop to all your photos just to garner more hits? If she can afford it and is happy with the idea of plastic surgery, more power to her. In any case, loads of people over at Mediacock have had plastic surgery of some form. She would be in fine company. As a matter of fact, I want plastic surgery and I can't afford it - which is making me extremely depressed because i desperately want to look like this:

MWAHAHHAHHAA. Fuck it. I think I'd rather remain the way I look. Much less idiotic.

2)I do have a problem with the talent agency signing her up though. Not because of Dawn, whom I'm sure is a bright and nice young girl. But because not only are they trying to hop onto the blogging bandwagon, they're doing it in a ridiculous fashion. Look - you guys aren't a modelling agency. I run a modelling agency and I would sign her up because yes, she's a pretty girl. But then again, I don't run a talent agency that gives half arsed advice do I? To sign up a girl and then put her through all that intensive training - really speaks volumes about what you think she's capable of at the moment doesn't it? I was always under the silly impression that in order to showcase your talent, you should first BE talent spotted before being signed up by a talent agency. Not the other way around. These suckers are signing her up and then proceeding to train her in what she should already be good at. Bloody ridiculous. And to give her lame arsed advice like, "keep a 'single status' for the sake of your career' just as she proudly admitted to having a Singaporean boyfriend. *roll eyes*. Lets have something different for once - a wannabe star admitting to being normal and wanting the same things that we do, instead of going for that 'unattainable yet approachable' aura which is so passe. i'm sure dawn's fart is as smelly as yours and mine - ok, maybe not as bad as yours.

3)The part of the article that left me rolling on the floor in laughter was Miss Wendy Cheng's response to Dawn being called a blogger. They wrote, and I quote, "Local blogger Wendy Cheng aka Xiaxue told the New Paper huffily:"She's not a real blogger. She's just a pretty girl who happens to have a blog."

"I is a real blogger!"

So Miss Cheng, according to your definition, what IS a real blogger? Someone who shoots out an insensitive post about Malaysia and the using of handicapped toilets? Someone who puts up an endless stream of photoshopped photos of herself at parties with Eileen Wee (wah piang eh. Yours is a C list Eileen Wee, Dawn's is Fiona Xie. *guffaw*) to prove that she's happening? (Sorry babe, but to me, Jess will always be the queen of happeningness.) Look, I'm too lazy to launch into a tirade against Ms Cheng's sour attitude, but Wendy, shouldn't YOU of all people be more understanding about how blogging could lead to many other opportunities? *sigh* Go check out this guy. He does a better job of slamming Miss Cheng than I could ever care to do.

PS Sorry about that photo Miss Cheng, but I don't do photoshopping.
PPS Sorry for making you guys look at that photo. I feel bad.

Later guys,

Monday, November 07, 2005

Bored stiff

Well, I'm still bored stiff and wanted to fool around so I started surfing the internet

1)Did you know that you could get yourself a cool Japanese name?

Check this out

Just type in your name and they assign you with a cool Japanese name. Quick go try and then post it in the tag box. I wanna see what your Jap names are

I tried it out and apparantly, my parents should've named me KENSHIN DEGUCHI. wah.. not bad. but sounds a bit poseur - Kenshin.. sounds like one of those young punks with green hair and nipple rings.

2)Ambigram central

Tried to find an ambigram generator which could come up with a really cool ambigram for Kenn. That way, I could probably use it for my next tattoo or as the banner for this blog. Unfortunately, the only ambigram generator around comes up with a really wussy Kenn.

Try making ambigrams for yourselves.

Flip your name here

Does anyone here have a talented artist friend who happens to be good at making ambigrams? I'm willing to pay to get an ambigram design of my name. Help me out here yeah?

3)Cool toys.

This has to be heaven for the boys. and the best part? Its local - like Tiger Beer

They have almost any gadget which Dick Tracy would be proud to own. If you're looking for an original and creative gift for Christmas, this site is king.

Blow hard earned cash here

The funnies have left the room

Its not like I was funny before, but I certainly feel painfully unfunny right now. Remember how I used to have that insomnia problem where I couldn't sleep until the sun came out, almost like a vampire? Well, I thought that the problem was licked after a couple of months of proper sleeping habits. Turns out, it ain't licked after all. Its 4.28 am right now and I officially feel like shit. Tried sleeping, only to end up lying on my back, worrying about financial problems.

I don't know man... I got up to read some blogs just to try and destress. Read a couple of funny ones (which makes you wonder - are they really that funny in real life? I mean, their blogs are side splittingly funny, so when you meet them in real life, are they really a laugh a minute and really witty to boot or do they just try to be clever and funny in their blogs? I havn't met many bloggebrities (blogging celebrities) in real life except for Rambotan (and I assure he is as funny in real life as he is in his blog. Funny how life turns out. I hated the sight of him in RJ. thought he was a pussy.) as well as a couple of photologs (Blogs with very little content but are filled with bee-yoo-ti-ful photos of their picture perfect lives. fuck. I hate you guys. I want your lives)

There are some people out there whom you can't help but admire, simply because they're so together y'know? They seem to know exactly where they're heading, exactly what they want and exactly what needs to be done next. They're confident, articulate and they seem so... what's the term here - organized? boring? predictable? Whatever the term is, the fact remains that they know what they want out of life. And at 4.28 am, that's what I want too. Maybe I'm getting a little tired of the whole unpredictability that was once my greatest attraction in the eyes of others.

Just the other day, Pearl called me out of the blue, telling me about this magazine which required writers on a contract basis. Suddenly, I'm a writer. If I get that freelance writing gig, I'd officially have been writing for three magazines - all in the space of a month. Which brings me to my next point - how unpredictable life is.

When I was a kid, I NEVER wanted to be a writer. An actor, yes. A businessman, yes. A lawyer, yes. A writer? No. There's no money in writing and believe me, writer's block has to be one of the most irritating things anyone can ever go through. Do I consider myself to be a good writer? Far from it. I can easily pick out many bloggers who are much better writers than me (and bloggers aren't even bona fide writers, no less). So is that who I am? A writer?

Just the other day, Ling told me over msn that I seem more together these days - more toned down. Which is funny, seeing as how if anything, I'm at the point in my life where I don't have a clue what it is that I want to do with my life. Maybe Dana was right when she said that every single time she meets me, I appear lost to her. Little lost boy. I like that. Almost has a Michael Jackson quality to it.

But you know what? Maybe I'm going about it the wrong way. Maybe knowing what I want out of life isn't important. Maybe knowing exactly what needs to be done next isn't that important. Maybe not knowing where I'm headed might turn out to be the best thing that's ever happened to me. Tonight, I read about your lives and I admire you for knowing what you plan to do next and for being so together. Maybe someday, you might look back at the path I've taken and admire me in return for having tried things that you would never attempt because "it just wasn't in the plan". Maybe.

Friday, November 04, 2005

We're not that different, you and I

Did you catch our 'favourite comedian' (whose favourite is he? Certainly not mine) Gurmit Singh on channel 5, telling people to tune in to the upcoming local drama 'Lifeline' (don't these people ever learn??? After Masters of the Sea and VR Man, still want to try drama... stick to PCK starring... OOI. YOU GUYS NO MORE ACTORS ALREADY IS IT? TELL ME LAH! I ACT FOR YOU GUYS. CHEAP CHEAP SOME MORE.), in which, he gets his "First serious drama".

No what Mr Singh - you forgot about 'Gurmit's World' That was pretty serious to me. seriously bad, that is.

"Hey, where's my mole?"

Actually, this new character of his looks quite the same as his old one in PCK. The biggest similarity? They still wear the big, ugly, rubber boots.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Ok, i've been back from Bali for more than a week by now, so thoughts about Bali are gradually disappearing from my mind.
So I'll just post a couple of photos and talk a bit about it

Basically, being the neurotic and lifeless creep that I am, I decided to check in earlier (TWO FUCKING HOURS EARLIER) just to make sure that I wouldn't miss the flight. (I actually consider this trauma from an earlier childhood incident where my dad took his own sweet time and we ended up missing our flight to China. Its all your fault dad. Fuck you.)

Anyway, Jan sent me to Changi Airport and we decided to have dinner there. Normally, if I'm at Changi Airport, I would insist on having Popeye's for makan - because the fried chicken is good and the mashed potato excellent. Alternatively, it would be prawn noodle soup at the Terminal 2 food court (for the uninitiated, i once stayed at Changi Airport for a couple of days when I left home in a huff, so I'm bloody familiar with the airport. Trust me on this, having eaten loads of food there, the only thing worth having at the food court would be the prawn noodle soup.)
"Why you neber eat me?"

Anyway, we decided on eating Japanese because Marybrown had an outlet at Changi Airport too. I'm also a huge fan of Marybrown chicken and I make it a point to have it whenever I'm in Malaysia - you tell me, like that HOW TO CHOOSE BETWEEN THE TWO? when you're torn between two loves and don't want to hurt either one, Walk away.
So we settled for painfully overpriced and disgustingly awful Japanese food. Jan - I'm sorry. We should just have had the fucking prawn noodles.

gross Jap udon

So anyhoo, had an uneventful flight there coz I slept like a baby the entire trip. For those who have never ever travelled with me on a plane before, here's a bit of trivia for you. I take sleeping pills upon boarding the plane. Not because I have a fear of flying, but because I feel trapped in that seat for so long. I even have a huge stack of 'Please do not disturb me' stickers given out by stewardesses. Was met at the airport by the local correspondent there who very nicely understood that I was still a bit out of it, thanks to the sleeping pills. So he decided to spare me the city tour and just take me directly to the hotel. Here's a pic of my room:

From another angle:

Altogether now: wow. The room was fucking huge. So guys, the next time you guys visit Bali, please remember to stay at the Keraton Jimbaran Resort. If for nothing else, for this:

PHWOAR! the toilet seat has a fucking BIDET can??!! basically how it works is this - you shit, you're too lazy to clean your arse, so all you need to do is reach out and press a button. VOILA! (that's french for "My arse is now clean") true, its not as swank as japan where you can wash AND blowdry your arse, but for bali, i thought it was the coolest of cool. i was in bloody heaven. alone in a foreign land, with my room service supper waiting for me on the bed, sitting on the throne reading a porno mag philosophy text and water was swirling around my arsehole. altogether again - PHWOAR!

anyway, had to wake up super early the next day so that my photog and I could meet up for an early breakfast near the volunteer effort base before getting to work. This was our breakfast:

simple breakfast of sambal fish, egg and a bowl of soup with something that looked like dog meat

The same table, merely 5 minutes later:

Guess we were really hungry.

Anyway, the next couple of hours passed in a haze as I holed myself up in the resort's business centre after doing the interview with the volunteers. I'll try to post a link to the article once its officially out.

Another cheesepie week, so I'm going to be bloody busy. Got 4 essays due by Friday, not to mention a project due by Wed. This royally sucks.

How true, how true

The man knows his stuff.