Monday, November 14, 2005

"I'd like to be fifteen years old again,knowing what I know now."

Just spent yet another sleepless night reading an amazing story written by the very talented Al Steiner. Now this is what I call a true writer.

While it will never be hailed as a classic, considering the fact that it comes from the pen (or rather, the keyboard) of an untrained writer (he's a bloody paramedic. he doesn't even write for a living), I have to say that this is one of the most wonderful stories that I have ever read that hasn't been published.

Long time readers of my old blog might remember that I once locked myself in my room for 2 days just to see if I could deliver a screenplay in that time, yet failed when I couldn't come up with a plausible enough ending. It has become a thorn of sorts in my side - an obsession if you like. After months of searching and scouring the internet for similar stories regarding the chaos theory or as its more commonly known -the butterfly effect, I've finally found one which I'm actually excited about. (The Butterfly Effect theorem states that the flutter of a butterfly's wings in China could affect weather patterns in New York.)

Now I'm terribly excited and simply dying to convert it into a screenplay, just for the heck of it. Would make my holidays a lot more interesting. Have already emailed the abovementioned writer to seek his permission to create a screenplay for a short film out of his story. Will see how it goes. I've also emailed the 400 odd page Word document of the entire story to several close friends (Ok - only two. Ling and Kel. Ling's one of the brightest individuals I know, the best friend I've made in NUS as well as a sworn sis to me, so I value her intellectual opinion very highly indeed. Kel, on the other hand, happens to heavily involved in the local media and film industry - would love to hear his views on the plausibility of creating a screenplay out of this)

Goddamn it... I so badly wanna start now.. I can already see the freakin short film in my mind's eye...If only there weren't the fucking irritating exams at the back of my mind...