Thursday, November 24, 2005

In school now

Its quite nice being in school early in the mornings (I'm talking about the 1 am, the 2 am and the 3 am time slots. NOT the 7, 8 and 9 am time slots. That's obscene. Everybody should only sleep when the sun is up - we're undergrads for fuck's sake). There's nobody but you and your friends and you can blast all the hokkien songs you want at the Arts canteen without anyone looking at you like a freak.

Heyi and I are studying in the school now coz I've got a 9 am paper tomorrow morning. If I go to sleep, chances are, I'll wake up late and that's a risk I cannot afford to take. So I'll rather camp out in school with loads of fags, cokes and friends. Study till 9, go for the paper and then go back home to die.

See, Keith wanted to borrow my bag ages ago and being the wonderful older brother that I am, I said ok. What I forgot was that my pencil case was in that bag too. I've had one pencil case since I was in secondary school (I know. I rarely go to school, so my pencil case ends up being untouched. I even have the scientific calculator and the liquid paper drawings on it that Maryanne used to draw on them in RJ when we weren't paying attention) - and he lost it. The night before an exam and I can't find my pencil case. So I do the next best thing - I borrow Keith's.

I didn't bother going through the contents of the pencil case until now (I'm already in school) and this is what I find inside:

1)1 x GREEN pen (wtf?)
2)Dried up liquid paper (wtf?)
3)1 x naked baby figurine (wtf?)
4)1 x powerpuff blossom figurine (wtf?)
5)1 x la bi xiao xing (crayon shinchan) figurine (wtf?)
6)1 x protractor
7)3 x erasers
8)1 x thermometer (wtf?)
9)1 x stapler
10)2 x sweet wrappers

wonderful. No pens. I guess I can enter the exam hall tomorrow and proceed to place cute little figurines all over my desk and then play with them throughout the exam.

I hate you Keith



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i swear, i read and re-read it 3 or 4 times. and i STILL laughed til i teared! exam stress-buster, this entry is. ;)

2:56 PM  
Blogger svelio said...

Hello, I happened to come across your blog and I muz say that it's very very funny!! =D

11:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i going to fall asleep but after i read ur post.. u make mi laugh and kinda wake up..
thanks ya

6:29 AM  

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