Hoo Ha!
"You know the best reason for hating everyone? By hating everyone I automatically become cooler than everyone else. The rules of despising people is that by doing it, you automatically put yourself in the position of coolness. This is awesome. Since I’m implicitly scared that they’ll think I’m not cool enough for them, I can pre-empt this by telling myself how much they suck. Which they do. Now, if you excuse me, I have to get back to my instant noodles and drama serials. Seriously, I must be like the coolest person on the earth."
The above was from Joel's blog and believe me, I happen to think that he IS cool. (if you've heard some of his erm stories, you would too)
If you read today's new paper, you would probably have noticed Dawn on the cover. Described as 'Singapore's hottest blogger', it was also reported that Dawn had been signed up by a talent agency which plans to have her undergo intensive 'singing, dancing, Mandarin and even Japanese' lessons.
There are sooo many errors in that report that I was left with a sour taste in my mouth.
Disclaimer: I am neither a 'Dawn Yang' supporter or detractor. As a matter of fact, I honestly don't care that she's getting this deal. Power to her.
1)Singapore's hottest blogger?
This is going to be a personal point. I honestly don't think that Dawn is the prettiest blogger in Singapore, although this is of course extremely subjective. Even Daphne is prettier than she is, although since both are my RJ juniors, I shall be nice and say that they're both pleasant looking. But I am irritated when you go to public forums or to Miss 'I am the winner of the 'Asian best blog' award's blog and you see people blasting Dawn for SUPPOSEDLY having plastic surgery. You judge for yourself.
"Tell me what you don't like about yourself"
The above was from Joel's blog and believe me, I happen to think that he IS cool. (if you've heard some of his erm stories, you would too)
If you read today's new paper, you would probably have noticed Dawn on the cover. Described as 'Singapore's hottest blogger', it was also reported that Dawn had been signed up by a talent agency which plans to have her undergo intensive 'singing, dancing, Mandarin and even Japanese' lessons.
There are sooo many errors in that report that I was left with a sour taste in my mouth.
Disclaimer: I am neither a 'Dawn Yang' supporter or detractor. As a matter of fact, I honestly don't care that she's getting this deal. Power to her.
1)Singapore's hottest blogger?
This is going to be a personal point. I honestly don't think that Dawn is the prettiest blogger in Singapore, although this is of course extremely subjective. Even Daphne is prettier than she is, although since both are my RJ juniors, I shall be nice and say that they're both pleasant looking. But I am irritated when you go to public forums or to Miss 'I am the winner of the 'Asian best blog' award's blog and you see people blasting Dawn for SUPPOSEDLY having plastic surgery. You judge for yourself.

Like I said earlier, I still think Daphne is 'hotter' than Dawn, but maybe that's just me.

You see and be the judge for yourself. (Which reminds me - Dawn's blog is very much like Daphne's - loads of nice looking photos of their wonderful, beautiful lives. Enough to give anyone an inferiority complex. Remind me to link Dawn Yang too.)
Fuck la - lets just end this debate here and now. In any case, its irrelevant to my post. The hottest blogger is this one:
End of story
However, it doesn't matter whom you think is hotter. It irks me to no end that people on public forums are slamming Dawn for SUPPOSEDLY having plastic surgery. (Ok, lets assume for argument's sake that she HAS.) So what if she has had plastic surgery? Is that any worse than doing photoshop to all your photos just to garner more hits? If she can afford it and is happy with the idea of plastic surgery, more power to her. In any case, loads of people over at Mediacock have had plastic surgery of some form. She would be in fine company. As a matter of fact, I want plastic surgery and I can't afford it - which is making me extremely depressed because i desperately want to look like this:
MWAHAHHAHHAA. Fuck it. I think I'd rather remain the way I look. Much less idiotic.
2)I do have a problem with the talent agency signing her up though. Not because of Dawn, whom I'm sure is a bright and nice young girl. But because not only are they trying to hop onto the blogging bandwagon, they're doing it in a ridiculous fashion. Look - you guys aren't a modelling agency. I run a modelling agency and I would sign her up because yes, she's a pretty girl. But then again, I don't run a talent agency that gives half arsed advice do I? To sign up a girl and then put her through all that intensive training - really speaks volumes about what you think she's capable of at the moment doesn't it? I was always under the silly impression that in order to showcase your talent, you should first BE talent spotted before being signed up by a talent agency. Not the other way around. These suckers are signing her up and then proceeding to train her in what she should already be good at. Bloody ridiculous. And to give her lame arsed advice like, "keep a 'single status' for the sake of your career' just as she proudly admitted to having a Singaporean boyfriend. *roll eyes*. Lets have something different for once - a wannabe star admitting to being normal and wanting the same things that we do, instead of going for that 'unattainable yet approachable' aura which is so passe. i'm sure dawn's fart is as smelly as yours and mine - ok, maybe not as bad as yours.
3)The part of the article that left me rolling on the floor in laughter was Miss Wendy Cheng's response to Dawn being called a blogger. They wrote, and I quote, "Local blogger Wendy Cheng aka Xiaxue told the New Paper huffily:"She's not a real blogger. She's just a pretty girl who happens to have a blog."
So Miss Cheng, according to your definition, what IS a real blogger? Someone who shoots out an insensitive post about Malaysia and the using of handicapped toilets? Someone who puts up an endless stream of photoshopped photos of herself at parties with Eileen Wee (wah piang eh. Yours is a C list Eileen Wee, Dawn's is Fiona Xie. *guffaw*) to prove that she's happening? (Sorry babe, but to me, Jess will always be the queen of happeningness.) Look, I'm too lazy to launch into a tirade against Ms Cheng's sour attitude, but Wendy, shouldn't YOU of all people be more understanding about how blogging could lead to many other opportunities? *sigh* Go check out this guy. He does a better job of slamming Miss Cheng than I could ever care to do.
PS Sorry about that photo Miss Cheng, but I don't do photoshopping.
PPS Sorry for making you guys look at that photo. I feel bad.
Later guys,
Fuck la - lets just end this debate here and now. In any case, its irrelevant to my post. The hottest blogger is this one:

However, it doesn't matter whom you think is hotter. It irks me to no end that people on public forums are slamming Dawn for SUPPOSEDLY having plastic surgery. (Ok, lets assume for argument's sake that she HAS.) So what if she has had plastic surgery? Is that any worse than doing photoshop to all your photos just to garner more hits? If she can afford it and is happy with the idea of plastic surgery, more power to her. In any case, loads of people over at Mediacock have had plastic surgery of some form. She would be in fine company. As a matter of fact, I want plastic surgery and I can't afford it - which is making me extremely depressed because i desperately want to look like this:

2)I do have a problem with the talent agency signing her up though. Not because of Dawn, whom I'm sure is a bright and nice young girl. But because not only are they trying to hop onto the blogging bandwagon, they're doing it in a ridiculous fashion. Look - you guys aren't a modelling agency. I run a modelling agency and I would sign her up because yes, she's a pretty girl. But then again, I don't run a talent agency that gives half arsed advice do I? To sign up a girl and then put her through all that intensive training - really speaks volumes about what you think she's capable of at the moment doesn't it? I was always under the silly impression that in order to showcase your talent, you should first BE talent spotted before being signed up by a talent agency. Not the other way around. These suckers are signing her up and then proceeding to train her in what she should already be good at. Bloody ridiculous. And to give her lame arsed advice like, "keep a 'single status' for the sake of your career' just as she proudly admitted to having a Singaporean boyfriend. *roll eyes*. Lets have something different for once - a wannabe star admitting to being normal and wanting the same things that we do, instead of going for that 'unattainable yet approachable' aura which is so passe. i'm sure dawn's fart is as smelly as yours and mine - ok, maybe not as bad as yours.
3)The part of the article that left me rolling on the floor in laughter was Miss Wendy Cheng's response to Dawn being called a blogger. They wrote, and I quote, "Local blogger Wendy Cheng aka Xiaxue told the New Paper huffily:"She's not a real blogger. She's just a pretty girl who happens to have a blog."
So Miss Cheng, according to your definition, what IS a real blogger? Someone who shoots out an insensitive post about Malaysia and the using of handicapped toilets? Someone who puts up an endless stream of photoshopped photos of herself at parties with Eileen Wee (wah piang eh. Yours is a C list Eileen Wee, Dawn's is Fiona Xie. *guffaw*) to prove that she's happening? (Sorry babe, but to me, Jess will always be the queen of happeningness.) Look, I'm too lazy to launch into a tirade against Ms Cheng's sour attitude, but Wendy, shouldn't YOU of all people be more understanding about how blogging could lead to many other opportunities? *sigh* Go check out this guy. He does a better job of slamming Miss Cheng than I could ever care to do.
PS Sorry about that photo Miss Cheng, but I don't do photoshopping.
PPS Sorry for making you guys look at that photo. I feel bad.
Later guys,
Wahhaha omg that's a totally unflattering shot of her. Heh.
XX has mentioned that she was misquoted by the newspaper. Erm do you sense irony in that? ;)
Re: Dawn, agree about "manufactured stardom" but then again so much of everything about celebrity these days are about marketing anyway.
Manufactured or not, at least she gets an opportunity at taking a route not many normal people can take... whats more, the millions that might fall on her lap...
Let's look at the major acts making heaps of money in Taiwan now.
Jolin Tsai - Questionable voice, super packaging. worth millions
Cyndi Wang - bad voice, OTT cuteness... queen of endorsements
F4 - need I say more.
I personally think Dawn is on the right path. to be honest how many truly talented make it these days right to the top... good voice but can';t sell soda, can't endorse cosmetics... BLAH
mooiness - thanks. it wasn't easy finding one that wasn't photoshopped. you know how difficult THAT can be. lol. and yes, i've seen her reply on her blog. I've also highlighted it and sent an email over to jean marie. i've got nothing against wendy. its xiaxue that i have a problem with.
anonymous, thats why i said power to dawn. she's been given an opportunity that many people (who may be a shitload more talented than her) will never get.
oh and you've left out so many in your list of 'ou xiang pai' acts in taiwan. 5566, vivian hsu (to whom dawn has more than a passing resemblance). heck, there're too many to count.
i was more against the way the talent agency went about their business, giving pathetic advice et al.
For once I'm grateful she photoshops her pictures...
i actually admire her work ethics tho
can you imagine how much photoshopping goes into each and every photo?
give credit where credit is due, i always say
I know I will suffers from acute nightmare after seeing that picture of xiaxue :o\ LOL
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! »
"Beautiful, wonderful lives"? no offense cuz I think you're a sweet girl but sounds a lot like celebrity worship.
As for Dawn and Daphne, I think their ALMOST the same in terms of prettiness but Dawn has a slight upper hand. BUT, she does have plastic surgery on her side. To be honest, I think Dawn looked a lot cuter before she went under the knife but that's just me:)
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