“Oh, wad some power the giftie gie us
To see ourselves as others see us! - Robert Burns
It was poet Robert Burns who wished for humankind the power to see ourselves as others see us. Can you imagine the insights into our lives and existence that would bring? But there is still another perspective on human affairs that is greater still.
What if we could see as God sees? From the study of life, human nature, and Scripture, I’m convinced his perspective would set us free to really live our lives the way it was truly meant to be lived.
If we could see as God sees, we would know that most human fears never materialize. Most of the things most of us spend most of our time worrying over are never going to happen anyway. So we waste energy and weaken ourselves for the day’s task. Maybe this is why Jesus said, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”
If we could see as God sees, we would realize that no problem that does come is insurmountable. In our gloomier moments of financial stress, illness, or family problems, we brood over questions without answers. However, as someone very wise once said, "Someday, this too shall pass". Remember the times when we think back and realise that what once seemed earth shaking and unsolvable is now nothing more than a memory?
If we could see as God sees, we would understand that no trial comes without a blessing attached. It cannot be seen in advance. In our perplexity, we doubt that anything good can come from a heartache. However, in retrospect, I now realise that there have been no problems of mine that didn't come with an advantageous aspect to it, enabling me to grow and learn from it. After all, sometimes, the best thing you can make is a mistake.
No matter what dark cloud you find yourself under, just remember these dark clouds have a tendency to come with a silver lining. Being happy is a choice - therefore I choose to be happy.
Life doesn't suck that bad after all.
To see ourselves as others see us! - Robert Burns
It was poet Robert Burns who wished for humankind the power to see ourselves as others see us. Can you imagine the insights into our lives and existence that would bring? But there is still another perspective on human affairs that is greater still.
What if we could see as God sees? From the study of life, human nature, and Scripture, I’m convinced his perspective would set us free to really live our lives the way it was truly meant to be lived.
If we could see as God sees, we would know that most human fears never materialize. Most of the things most of us spend most of our time worrying over are never going to happen anyway. So we waste energy and weaken ourselves for the day’s task. Maybe this is why Jesus said, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”
If we could see as God sees, we would realize that no problem that does come is insurmountable. In our gloomier moments of financial stress, illness, or family problems, we brood over questions without answers. However, as someone very wise once said, "Someday, this too shall pass". Remember the times when we think back and realise that what once seemed earth shaking and unsolvable is now nothing more than a memory?
If we could see as God sees, we would understand that no trial comes without a blessing attached. It cannot be seen in advance. In our perplexity, we doubt that anything good can come from a heartache. However, in retrospect, I now realise that there have been no problems of mine that didn't come with an advantageous aspect to it, enabling me to grow and learn from it. After all, sometimes, the best thing you can make is a mistake.
No matter what dark cloud you find yourself under, just remember these dark clouds have a tendency to come with a silver lining. Being happy is a choice - therefore I choose to be happy.
Life doesn't suck that bad after all.
Bro, you sound so enlightened. So... together. :D
i was gonna comment that ur entry damn inspiring.. until I saw the comment above. :) Ask him can sponser u ciggies anot leh. *lol*
best regards, nice info » »
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