Studying in school
See, i LOVE the Suzuki Jimny. I thought it was the coolest of cool. Heyi, being a former Pajero Mini owner, has been trying to convert me to the Pajero gang with little success. However tonight, he has totally converted me. I now officially love the Pajero Mini. Why?
1)The Pajero has a smaller engine capacity when compared to the Jimny - but hey. I'm a safety driver. Plus - pumping full tank for the Pajero Mini is only $40+. WOOT.
2)The Pajero Mini has fewer drivers - so the chances of bumping into a car like mine would be rarer.
3)The Pajero Mini looks nicer than the Suzuki Jimny. plus you can get loads of nice extras like Helios side lights, mud flaps and other little accessories. The Jimny gets none of that.
4)Most importantly, the Pajero Mini is quite a lot cheaper than the Suzuki Jimny. WOOT!
Here are some pictures in case you had no idea what I was going on and on about:
Just for the heck of it, here's a pic of Heyi's old Pajero which he misses so much:

What's the moral of the story? Not much studying goes on at the Dungeon (or as I call it, the Philosophers' Corridor)
PS Yes I'm back from Bali. Once I get the cable for the stupid camera, will blog and post photos. ;p