Monday, October 31, 2005

Studying in school

That's the problem with studying in school at night. Instead of buckling down to do some serious work, you end up smoking and talking cock with Heyi, covering topics ranging from Hazel Park Condo (we're leaving school at 9+ to head over to his place to check out the facilities there) to the Pajero Mini vs the Suzuki Jimny.

See, i LOVE the Suzuki Jimny. I thought it was the coolest of cool. Heyi, being a former Pajero Mini owner, has been trying to convert me to the Pajero gang with little success. However tonight, he has totally converted me. I now officially love the Pajero Mini. Why?
1)The Pajero has a smaller engine capacity when compared to the Jimny - but hey. I'm a safety driver. Plus - pumping full tank for the Pajero Mini is only $40+. WOOT.
2)The Pajero Mini has fewer drivers - so the chances of bumping into a car like mine would be rarer.
3)The Pajero Mini looks nicer than the Suzuki Jimny. plus you can get loads of nice extras like Helios side lights, mud flaps and other little accessories. The Jimny gets none of that.
4)Most importantly, the Pajero Mini is quite a lot cheaper than the Suzuki Jimny. WOOT!

Here are some pictures in case you had no idea what I was going on and on about:

My former love: bye bye, Jimny boy

My current love:

hello.... Pajero

Just for the heck of it, here's a pic of Heyi's old Pajero which he misses so much:

What's the moral of the story? Not much studying goes on at the Dungeon (or as I call it, the Philosophers' Corridor)

PS Yes I'm back from Bali. Once I get the cable for the stupid camera, will blog and post photos. ;p

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Thank you angels

This is going to be a very short post because I'm packing and getting ready for Bali.

Woke up in a major panic because I had overslept and had only an hour odd to start and complete an entire essay before the start of the lecture. If I didn't finish the essay, I would have gotten an outright zero for the entire portfolio project for art and philosophy.

Rushed to school, forgetting my fags and both my handphones in the process. So this is where I take the opportunity to thank several people:

1)To the cool guy smoking outside my lecture hall, thank you. Thanks for being so nice and GIVING me a stick when i was willing to pay for it - that was incredibly friendly of you. Word of advice though - please don't smoke marlboro lights anymore. It made me light-headed for a while. But thanks nonetheless.

2)To the gay guy who lent me your lighter - erm... thanks.

3)To Ling, thanks for the can of coke and for the numerous sweets to stop the panicking whilst in school. And for the lift home after school. Appreciate it all. Just remember - in life, in order to find the right answers, you must first ask the right questions. Sort it all out - its not that difficult.

Later y'all

ps i've gotten into the irritating habit of calling my friends 'cheesepies' instead of 'cheebyes'. Because its kee-uter.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Bali, here I come

Well well Bali.. I've always wanted to go there as a tourist. I've heard lovely stories about moonlight walks on the beaches, lazy afternoons by the poolside and seafood dinners on the white sands..

But I never would have thought that my first trip ever to Bali wouldn't be as a tourist, but as a journalist (of sorts.) Disclaimer: I'm not a journalist by training. My writing is crap. Heck, a Brenda Starr I'm not) I'm supposed to travel to Bali next Friday to interview the volunteers there who are busy trying to dish out much needed aid and to try and rebuild the community, restoring a sense of identity amongst the confused and terrified Balinese.

I feel for them. I really do. Another time and I would be terrified thrilled at the chance to do some writing about a proper cause or issue (not counting philosophy essays that I'm forced to do in school). I mean, there are only sooo many lifestyle articles like "Chill out with the latest cocktails" and "Coolest watering holes - Where to go to see and be seen" that one can write before getting brain dead.


(as shallow as this may sound) flying to Friday would mean missing perhaps the biggest match of the entire season on Saturday - Newcastle vs Sunderland. Unbelievable timing isn't it? My first trip to Bali to do something interesting and mildly worthwhile for once, and it coincides with a day that I've circled on my calendar since the fixture list was released. Oh well... I guess there's still the away match. Howay the lads!

Sunderland's latest lineup struck fear into opposition hearts

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Unreal conversation

had an msn conversation with my friend today which left me in stitches. the funniest part about it? he was dead serious.
(names have been changed to protect identity)

H:hey bro.. my frend lookin for tai tai.. any lobang..
me: HUH?
H: basket u in modeling industry wat.. got lobang..
me: i'm confused bro
me: your friend is a guy?
H: yar...
me: and he's looking for a sugar mummy?
H: yar.. u got it
me: hahahahhahhaahhahahha fuck off la. don't be farnie can?
H: fark lar.. got anot?
H: u sure hav..
me: of course not la!
me: basket
me: everyone also wants a sugar mummy
me: i also want - best is if can find a 90 year old one, no sex drive, about to die but fucking rich
H: i heard tat there are few pubs.. ard wif tis kinda pple rite? any idea?
me: you have any photo of your friend, out of curiosity?
H: yar..
me: lai lai. kan yi kan. send it over. i pass professional judgement.

(after looking at the picture)

me: bro, no offence, but you're fucking joking right?

talk about a surreal conversation

Friday, October 07, 2005

Some things never change

Link to the article

Parents are up in arms over a tough PSLE maths paper and the students are in tears.
Talk about taking kiasuism to brand new heights.

My favourite quote from the article -
"Maybe they were not 'routine' questions, so the children didn't know what to do."

Speaks volumes about the local education system doesn't it?

'nuff said.

What a fucking week

What a fucking week this has been. In the past week, I've done no less than EIGHT fucking essays. yes, EIGHT. don't believe me? Count 'em for yourself.
1) Is it possible to conceive of a mind-independent particular, if Russell’s fundamental epistemological principle is true?
2) What is Quine’s strategy for avoiding commitment to universals?
3) Explain one of Kripke’s objections to strong descriptivism, and one of his objections to weak descriptivism
4) How does Putnam argue for semantic externalism?
5) Explain the Frege-Geach problem (pretend you’re explaining it to another philosophy student who isn’t taking this module).
6) Quasi-realism - does it exist?
7) McNaughton writes on page 27, “Non-cognitivism is not committed to the view that, since a moral utterance expresses an attitude, it cannot also express a belief. It can do both.” (Cf. the very last sentence on p. 13.) What do you understand McNaughton to be saying here? How does it square with you understanding of what it means to be a non-cognitivist? What is the significance of McNaughton’s claim? What are its implications?
8) Imagine someone tells you she is a noncognitivist who is an externalist about moral motivation. Describe this view. Is it plausible? Explain.

There you go. EIGHT - and not just that - i also had to do a logic midterm test that was worth 40% of my overall logic grade.Talk about the week from hell. Watched GOAL! twice but had to rush off after each screening immediately so that I could go home, do work, fall asleep at 7 am before waking up after a few hours to trudge over to the NUS library just to do work AGAIN.

oh and that's not all.Dear sweet Pearl, the editor of HOT! Magazine finds it necessary to call me twice a day and email me 4 times to bug me incessantly regarding the design work for the magazine.

oh and guess what?

My mum just quit her job. She wasn't happy about taking a 2K paycut (from 6K+ at her previous job to just 4K+). So she just quit. Like that. Without having a replacement job lined up.I now officially come from a family with two unemployed parents and one where I also officially earn the most.

Life bites sometimes.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Because i need some brainless fun

Killing and Efficient Nullification Neohuman

Simply because I needed some brainless fun.
The cool thing is I can get t-shirts printed with my cyborg on it. Fun, no?
Decided to do some for my friends and I think mine is still the coolest. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself

Here's Jan's:

Journeying Artificial Neohuman Intended for Ceaseless Exploration
Exploration only... mine is a killing machine can??
Here's Keith's:

Kinetic Electronic Infiltration and Troubleshooting Humanoid
Troubleshooting!!! LOL!!!!!! useless!

Cybernetic Humanoid Responsible for Infiltration and Sabotage
hmm... infiltration and sabotage.. a bit cooler than troubleshooting i suppose, but not as cool as killing machine!

Last one:

Intelligent Robotic Worker Intended for Nullification
Nullification? is that the ominous nullification or the lame ass one which is more or less pet steralisation?

great fun. brainless, but fun.
go get your own cyborg here

Monday, October 03, 2005

GOAL! premiere(s)

Its going to be a very very busy week for me, so I won’t be updating here until this weekend.

However, I AM thrilled because I’m going to not just one, but TWO GOAL! Premieres. The first with Jan on Tuesday and the 2nd with Chris and Keith on Wednesday. The first is organized by GV in conjunction with the NUFCSG fan club while the second is organized by ESPN and they gave us all free tickets!!!

So bearing in mind the fact that the movie opens on the 6th Oct, I would have caught it not ONCE, but TWICE by then.


Go watch, go watch.

Link to the trailer