Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Thank you angels

This is going to be a very short post because I'm packing and getting ready for Bali.

Woke up in a major panic because I had overslept and had only an hour odd to start and complete an entire essay before the start of the lecture. If I didn't finish the essay, I would have gotten an outright zero for the entire portfolio project for art and philosophy.

Rushed to school, forgetting my fags and both my handphones in the process. So this is where I take the opportunity to thank several people:

1)To the cool guy smoking outside my lecture hall, thank you. Thanks for being so nice and GIVING me a stick when i was willing to pay for it - that was incredibly friendly of you. Word of advice though - please don't smoke marlboro lights anymore. It made me light-headed for a while. But thanks nonetheless.

2)To the gay guy who lent me your lighter - erm... thanks.

3)To Ling, thanks for the can of coke and for the numerous sweets to stop the panicking whilst in school. And for the lift home after school. Appreciate it all. Just remember - in life, in order to find the right answers, you must first ask the right questions. Sort it all out - its not that difficult.

Later y'all

ps i've gotten into the irritating habit of calling my friends 'cheesepies' instead of 'cheebyes'. Because its kee-uter.