Friday, October 07, 2005

What a fucking week

What a fucking week this has been. In the past week, I've done no less than EIGHT fucking essays. yes, EIGHT. don't believe me? Count 'em for yourself.
1) Is it possible to conceive of a mind-independent particular, if Russell’s fundamental epistemological principle is true?
2) What is Quine’s strategy for avoiding commitment to universals?
3) Explain one of Kripke’s objections to strong descriptivism, and one of his objections to weak descriptivism
4) How does Putnam argue for semantic externalism?
5) Explain the Frege-Geach problem (pretend you’re explaining it to another philosophy student who isn’t taking this module).
6) Quasi-realism - does it exist?
7) McNaughton writes on page 27, “Non-cognitivism is not committed to the view that, since a moral utterance expresses an attitude, it cannot also express a belief. It can do both.” (Cf. the very last sentence on p. 13.) What do you understand McNaughton to be saying here? How does it square with you understanding of what it means to be a non-cognitivist? What is the significance of McNaughton’s claim? What are its implications?
8) Imagine someone tells you she is a noncognitivist who is an externalist about moral motivation. Describe this view. Is it plausible? Explain.

There you go. EIGHT - and not just that - i also had to do a logic midterm test that was worth 40% of my overall logic grade.Talk about the week from hell. Watched GOAL! twice but had to rush off after each screening immediately so that I could go home, do work, fall asleep at 7 am before waking up after a few hours to trudge over to the NUS library just to do work AGAIN.

oh and that's not all.Dear sweet Pearl, the editor of HOT! Magazine finds it necessary to call me twice a day and email me 4 times to bug me incessantly regarding the design work for the magazine.

oh and guess what?

My mum just quit her job. She wasn't happy about taking a 2K paycut (from 6K+ at her previous job to just 4K+). So she just quit. Like that. Without having a replacement job lined up.I now officially come from a family with two unemployed parents and one where I also officially earn the most.

Life bites sometimes.