Friday, January 27, 2006

Swaku King

Remember this pic?

I took it back then on my way back from JB and was raving about how swaku I was cause I had never before seen the '8888' license plate and how funny it was that I finally saw one. In JB.

Guess what?
On my way back from JB this time, I saw this:

I saw '4444' for the first time!!!
Told you i was swaku like fuck.

New digicam.

I love Standard Chartered Bank. Apparantly, to reward their staff, apart from their basic pay and commission plans, they also give out lovely Taka vouchers just to raise branch morale. (How come we didn't have that in the army? "Sir, I just cleaned the toilet swee swee because you asked me to." "Good boy, here's $100 in Taka vouchers to keep you NS boys happy.")

Anyway to cut the long story short, Jan managed to get like a shitload of Taka vouchers from Standard Chartered so we decided to treat ourselves to something nice. Hence, we made our way down to the Best Denki over at Taka to check out the digital cameras. (We were sick of having to borrow cameras whenever we went overseas or felt like being a cam whore wanted to take artistic shots of the beautiful skyline.)

Anyway, we were originally eyeing the very nice Canon A95 because the screen could be twisted and turned in such a way that you get to check yourself out and make sure your cam whore shots come out nice see very clearly that beautiful skyline you intended to take.

However, the nice man at Best Denki persuaded us to go for the Panasonic Lumix FX9 instead. At about the same price, we now had a sleek machine with 6 freaking megapixels and Mega OIS (so I can take photos while wanking shaking my bag of Shaker Fries from Macs and the photo won't be blurry). Great choice - we now love the cam to bits. And guess how much it cost us in actual cash? $9. (Jan wanted to use the remaining vouchers on her shoes. *roll eyes*) Having used this camera for a couple of days by now, I highly recommend it.

Here's a photo sample -

Took a picture of the movie poster at City Square's cinema (JB). I so wanted to catch that movie, but Jan was freakish about it, so we ended up catching Memoirs. Pussy. Heyi, I know this movie will intrigue you - wanna drive me in to watch it? Its called 'Art of the Devil II' by the way. We can makan there and you can get cheap petrol. rofl. I don't think they're gonna bring this movie in to Singapore. Apparantly, its totally disgusting. Check it out. (The thai name of this Long Khong. Check out the trailer with English subtitles here.)

Don't say I didn't warn you - the trailer is fucking gory. I was cringing like mad. If you can't take this kind of horror, don't bother clicking. Don't come and sue me later and ask me to pay for your therapy - I'm fucking broke.

I love you, Standard Chartered.

PS Chris - I don't bump into you in Singapore but I can bump into you at City Square. Can buy 4D already.

PPS In case you can't see the words on the poster, its 'Thai black magic: If you start it, it will stay with you till the day you die.' Chilling.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


很抱歉,最近没有时间来这里blog - 都怪我那些伙伴。(其实, 我知道他们偶尔也会到这里看一看我有没有写他们的坏话,但我懒得去理。我要骂的那个人的华文程度不是很好,so用华文来blog的话,她就看不懂了。)

最近一直在为搬公司的事情在烦恼。明明搞定好的事情呢,过了几天后,又变成了新的问题。而令我最DULAN的是明明几天前口口声声说“没问题”,几天后就变成“问题多多”。只不过是想搬公司而已嘛。。。 有这样难吗?“要”也是你讲的,“不要”也是你讲的 - 你到底是想要怎样?不如干脆一点,把你真正想说的话一次过都说出来。 至少这样,我还会尊敬你一点。

就是因为这样,我才会这么讨厌和1)我不喜欢的人 或2)我不信任的人一起工作。 想说出心里话都得先考虑清楚才能开口。即麻烦又虚伪。做人真的需要做到这样辛苦吗?

很久没有喝个痛快了。最后一次真正的喝酒好像是2004年的圣诞节。好想叫那些和我一起开这间公司的人出来一起喝酒,然后和他们一起分担这些无畏的烦恼,但我也知道他们都有着自己的烦恼没和我分担。更何况,就如沈永所说的,这间公司是我创办的- 嗨。。。 我不入地狱谁入地狱?

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Kiss Goodbye

Just when I thought that 王力宏 could never hope to do better than Forever Love, he goes ahead and outdoes himself on 'Kiss Goodbye'. I've been playing this song on the iPod almost non stop and I'm itching for a KTV session. Any takers for KTV? Am hoping to go on either Mon or Tues of the CNY hols. Quick quick let me know. I book the room and then we split the cost.

Baby不要再哭泣 这一幕多么熟悉 
每一次想开口 但不如保持安静 

幸福搭配悲伤 同时在我心交叉 
付出的爱收不回 还欠你的我不能给 

每一次和你分开 深深地被你打败
每一次放弃你的温柔 痛苦难以释怀
每一次和你分开 每一次Kiss You Goodbye

幸福搭配悲芊 同时在我心交叉 
付出的爱收不回 但欠你的我不能给 

Really damn nice. If he keeps coming up with classics like this, it'll be no time before he can take over 张学友 as the resident 情歌天王.

PS Linda 姐姐,你的办法真的行。我终于可以用华语blog了!Angel, paiseh but 你的办法行不通

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Geisha spoof

This is the Memoirs of a Geisha trailer

This is the spoof from Mad TV

This is the funniest spoof I've seen in a very very long time.
Check this out and then you'll understand why I would rather watch Bobby Lee's version than Zhang Ziyi's version

Friday, January 06, 2006


How could I throw away a miracle?
How could I face another day?
It's all of my doing
I made a choice
And, today, I pay
My heart is full of pain

How could you understand the way I feel?
How could you relate to so much pain?
Seems as though nothing
Can comfort me
So, today, I pray
That someone should listen

(Chorus 1:)
For nothing should matter
Not when love grows inside you
The choice is yours
There's a miracle in store
Nothing should matter
Not when love grows inside you
A voice of love is crying out
"Don't throw love away"
There's a miracle in store

How could I let go of a miracle?
Nothing could ever take its place
Thought I was looking
Out for myself
Now, it seems the pain
Is all that I have gained

I wonder if I could be your miracle
I wonder if I could spare you pain
Seems as though nothing
Will comfort me
Lord, 'less, today, I pray
That you should come listen

(Repeat chorus 1)

Don't ever throw away your miracle
Don't let it slip away
So nothing should matter

(Chorus 2:)
No, nothing should matter
Not when love grows inside you
The choice is yours
There's a miracle in store
No, nothing should matter
Not when love grows inside you
A voice of love is crying out
"Don't throw love away"
There's a miracle in store...for you
- Whitney Housten

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Doesn't anyone in here play mahjong????!!!

My hands are super itchy...

If there's any game out there and you need a player, call me! 98333814.
Hands are super itchy....